From: "Mr, Horn Rooney" <>
Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 16:56:04 +0100
Hello and Happy New Month...
This email is to all the people that have been scammed or
extorted money from due to advance free fraud round the
World, the UNITED NATIONS have agreed to Compensate each and
everyone of you, with the sum of US$750,000.00 this includes
people that have had an unfinished transaction or
International businesses that failed due to Government
problems or irregularities.
Your name was found in our list after the last United Nation
Conference held at the United Nation House New York USA and
that is why we are contacting you over it, it has been
agreed upon and have been signed by he newly established
Executive Board of the newest entity in the United Nations
family the United Nations Entity for Gender equality and
the Empowerment of women (UN Women), under the distinguished
leadership and Executive Direction of the newest
Under-Secretary-General Madame Michelle Bachelet, former
President of Chile. Ms Bachelet brings to the job a
formidable asset, an immeasurable passion, profound and
varied experience as well as influence, respect and
admiration around the world.
You have to contact Prof, Charles Bean. immediately you
received this email, as he is the UNITED NATIONS
representative in respect of this 2014 Compensation Scheme,
contact him immediately let him know how you want your
payment from the three listed below. It will be important to
accelerate efforts to complete the human resource processes
to ensure that the requisite staff are in place and ready to
take on the important tasks ahead.
1. Cheque
2. International Bank Draft
4.Diplomatic Delivery
Kindly provide the information below to enable Prof, Charles
Bean to process your payment.
Full Name..................
Contact address.................
Direct cell Phone number.............
Contact Prof, Charles Bean.
possition: Deputy Governor,
The Bank of England. [B.O.E]
Mr, Horn Rooney
United Nation UK