From: "Dr. Okon Edem" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 15:29:11 +0100
Subject: Re: Request For Partnership
Dear Sir,
Sincere apology for my intrusion into your privacy. I'm aware of the
unsafe nature of the internet, but due to the prevailing circumstances
at this time I don't have any other option than to seek your consent
to this proposition through this means. I am Dr. Okon Edem,
Procurement Manager, Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation. I seek
your consent to re-profile an already approved contract inheritance
payment of sixteen million United States of America dollars to your
name. I honestly assure you that all modalities has been rightly put
in place to facilitate this payment without any complications. It
might interest you to note that this will be carried out legally and
will be professionally monitored by me. You will be rewarded with 25%
of the total sum, 5% is for refund of all expenditures incurred in the
cause of the transaction locally and internationally, while the
remaining 70% belongs to me and could be used for investment in your
country under your supervision and management if interested. Full
details of this will be available on receipt of your response.
Kindly respond with your contact details which include your complete
names, phone and contact address to enable me raise documents in your
name to legitimately cover source of fund. I sincerely and anxiously
wait to read your response. Confidentially mail your response to
Yours Sincerely
Dr. Okon Edem