From: "JAMES B. COMEY" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 11:08:37 +0900
Subject: Your $8,200.000.00 witheld payment Notification

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Division and Cyber Crime Division
J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington DC
Dear Beneficiary,
Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the
secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days
ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the
tune of $8,200.000.00 due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who
almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some
individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to
swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and
unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations
and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate
to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck
Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to
you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to
have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the
likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have
two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?
ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you
will use to withdraw up to $12,000 per day from any ATM machine that has
the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years
time which is 2018. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer
your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a
handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Even if you do
not have a bank account.
Check: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three
working days. Your payment would be sent to you via any of your
preferred option and would be mailed to you via FedEx. Because we have
signed a contract with FedEx Express which should expire by the end of this month, you will only need to pay $350 instead of $550 saving you $200 So if you
pay before the end of this month you save $200 Take note that anyone asking
you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely a
fraudsters and you will have to stop communication with every other
person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you
will ever have to spend is $350.00 nothing more! Nothing less! And we
guarantee the receipt of your fund to be successfully delivered to you
within the next 48hours after the receipt of payment has been confirmed.
Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of
Nigeria, The United Nation and also the FBI and including taxes, custom
paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $350.
shipping your ATM card is $550 but because FedEx have temporarily
discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package
is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with
them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee
of $550 to $350 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!
To effect the release of your fund valued at $4,500.000.00 you are
advised to contact our correspondent in Africa the delivery officer
George Ennis with the information below,
Name: Steven Parker
You are advised to contact him with the information?'s as stated below:
Your full Name..
Your Address:..............
Home/Cell Phone:..............
Preferred Payment Method (ATM / Cashier Check)
Upon receipt of payment the delivery officer will ensure that your
package is sent within 48 working hours. Because we are so sure of
everything we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not
receive payment/package within the next 48hours after you have made the
payment for shipping we the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) will get your funds refund back to you with immediate effect
Yours sincerely,
Robert Anderson
TELEPHONE: (917) 300-1432
Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices
claiming to be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice
only to be in contact with George Ennis of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is
the rightful person to deal with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT
and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we
could act upon and commence investigation.
(Office of the Under Secretary)
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington D.C. 20220.United States of America
Dated: Wednesday 26 Febuary, 2014
Strictly follow this security instruction below and do not disregard any letter from our department.
This message is to notify you that we have taken time to review your online email communication messages on your unsuccessful transactions with international inheritance/contract insurance and lottery organizations including foreign banks especially in Africa and United Kingdom. We want you to know that we have contacted most of these foreign banks to find out why your funds were withheld, the source of the funds and a final solution to this problem.
Conclusively, we discovered that your unpaid contract funds were not properly documented for an international fund transfer and we cannot let these foreign Banks continue to suspend your fund payment to your designated bank account.
Such transfer suspension was placed on your funds because majority of these international fund remittance/transfer of over the total sum of $500,000 and above to private European/Non-European residence accounts abroad, usually carried out by foreign Banks, Private or Commercial Courier Companies were never properly recorded by the paying institution for future reference/assessment by the International Monetary Fund and the Financial Services Authority.
In joint alliance with the International Monetary Fund to resolve this issue, we wish to let you know that we have been approved to assist you in receiving your funds but only the total sum of Five Million United States Dollars ($5,000,000.00 USD) was approved for payment in order to enable you start up your own business.
Through the assistance of the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO) to investigate and release suspended, withheld and/or unpaid Inheritance/Award Winning/Contract funds to its Beneficiaries account abroad, we were able to gain an approval authorization letter from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which stated that your funds will be paid to you on proper confirmation of its claim.
We have gone through the security manifest booklet of all international outstanding transactions and our extensive investigation confirmed that you are the original owner of this fund. Therefore, we wish to inform you again that we are now making arrangements from our department to process and pay you the outstanding debt of $5,000,000.00 USD owed to you immediately you provide the complete requirements needed for the processing of this payment.
It is very important we state that your international transactions will never be released if you ignore this message and you are therefore advised to kindly acknowledge the content of this message by providing the information below for payment formalities.
-A scanned copy of your international passport or driver's license:
- Your direct mobile telephone number:
- Your present home address for document delivery:
By the virtue of the provision of the law which confer on us powers to advocate, adjudicate suspend and authorize an immediate transfer of your funds internationally, we hereby state emphatically and without prejudice that should there be any information that may succeed your application for unclaimed awarded fund release that are currently deposited in most foreign banks in Europe, Asia and in Africa, please do not hesitate to provide the information so that we will know how to help you receive your funds.
Failure to properly reply and provide the required information above will nullify your chances of receiving your unclaimed funds and this fund will be confiscated and made to be forfeited under the Money Laundering and Other Financial Crime Prohibition Act of 2003.
Jacob Joseph Jack Lew,
Senior Secretary,
Foreign Assets Control.
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Counter-terrorism Division and Cyber Crime Division
J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington DC
Attention Beneficiary,
Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Gambling,Contract and Inheritance. Through our Fraud Monitory Unit we have noticed that you have been transacting with some impostors and fraudsters who have been impersonating the likes of Prof. Soludo/Mr.Lamido Sanusi of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Bode Williams, Frank, Anderson, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, Kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen and some impostors claiming to be The Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Cyber Crime Division of the FBI gathered information from the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) on how some people have lost outrageous sums of money to these
impostors. As a result of this, we hereby advise you to stop communication with any one not referred to you by us. We have negotiated with the Federal Ministry of
Finance that your payment totaling $5,900,000.00(Five Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars). will be released to you via a custom pin based ATM card with a maximum
withdrawal limit of $15,000 a day which is powered by Visa Card and can be used anywhere in the world where you see a Visa Card Logo on the Automatic Teller Machine
We guarantee receipt of your payment. This is as a result of the mandate from US Government to make sure all debts owed to citizens of American and also Asia and
Europe which includes Inheritance, Contract, Gambling/Lottery etc are been cleared.
To redeem your funds, you are hereby advised to contact the ATM Card Center via email for their requirement to proceed and procure your Approval of Payment Warrant and
Endorsement of your ATM Release Order on your behalf which will cost you $250 Usd only and nothing more as everything else has been taken care of by the Federal
Government including taxes, custom paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $250.00 only.
Lord Ruben (ATM Card Center Director)
Central Bank of Nigeria
Central Business District,
Cad astral Zone, federal
Capital Territory,Nigeria.
ATM Card Center Director Lord Ruben
Phone: +234-810-109-8678
Do contact Lord Ruben of the ATM Card Center via his contact details above and furnish him with your details as listed below:
FULL NAMES: __________________________________
SEX: _______________
DATE OF BIRTH: __________________
OCCUPATION: __________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: _____________________
EMAIL ADDRESS: _____________________
On contacting him with your details your file would be updated and he will be sending you the payment information in which you will use in making payment of $250.00
via MoneyGram or Western Union Money Transfer for the procurement of your Approval of Payment Warrant and Endorsement of your ATM Release Order, after which the
delivery of your ATM card will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay, extra fee.
Phone Number: +1 (206) 259-9114
Note: Disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM card, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with Lord
Ruben of the ATM card center who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your payment and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we
could act upon it immediately. Help stop cyber crime.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Division and Cyber Crime Division
J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington DC
Dear Beneficiary,
Series of meetings have been held over the past 7 months with the
secretary general of the United Nations Organization. This ended 3 days
ago. It is obvious that you have not received your fund which is to the
tune of $8,200.000.00 due to past corrupt Governmental Officials who
almost held the fund to themselves for their selfish reason and some
individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to
swindle your fund which has led to so many losses from your end and
unnecessary delay in the receipt of your fund.
The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations
and Federal Bureau of Investigation have successfully passed a mandate
to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck
Jonathan to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to
you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to
have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and the
likes. Now how would you like to receive your payment? Because we have
two method of payment which is by Check or by ATM card?
ATM Card: We will be issuing you a custom pin based ATM card which you
will use to withdraw up to $12,000 per day from any ATM machine that has
the Master Card Logo on it and the card have to be renewed in 4 years
time which is 2018. Also with the ATM card you will be able to transfer
your funds to your local bank account. The ATM card comes with a
handbook or manual to enlighten you about how to use it. Even if you do
not have a bank account.
Check: To be deposited in your bank for it to be cleared within three
working days. Your payment would be sent to you via any of your
preferred option and would be mailed to you via FedEx. Because we have
signed a contract with FedEx Express which should expire by the end of this month, you will only need to pay $350 instead of $550 saving you $200 So if you
pay before the end of this month you save $200 Take note that anyone asking
you for some kind of money above the usual fee is definitely a
fraudsters and you will have to stop communication with every other
person if you have been in contact with any. Also remember that all you
will ever have to spend is $350.00 nothing more! Nothing less! And we
guarantee the receipt of your fund to be successfully delivered to you
within the next 48hours after the receipt of payment has been confirmed.
Note: Everything has been taken care of by the Federal Government of
Nigeria, The United Nation and also the FBI and including taxes, custom
paper and clearance duty so all you will ever need to pay is $350.
shipping your ATM card is $550 but because FedEx have temporarily
discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when package
is delivered for international shipping We had to sign contract with
them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce from the actual fee
of $550 to $350 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!
To effect the release of your fund valued at $8,200.000.00 you are
advised to contact our correspondent in Africa the delivery officer
Steven Parker with the information below,
Name: Steven Parker
You are advised to contact him with the information?'s as stated below:
Your full Name..
Your Address:..............
Home/Cell Phone:..............
Preferred Payment Method (ATM / Cashier Check)
Upon receipt of payment the delivery officer will ensure that your
package is sent within 48 working hours. Because we are so sure of
everything we are giving you a 100% money back guarantee if you do not
receive payment/package within the next 48hours after you have made the
payment for shipping we the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) will get your funds refund back to you with immediate effect
Yours sincerely,
TELEPHONE: (917) 300-1432
Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices
claiming to be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice
only to be in contact with Steven Parker of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is
the rightful person to deal with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT
and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we
could act upon and commence investigation.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Division and Cyber Crime Division
J. Edgar. Hoover Building Washington DC
Dear Beneficiary,
This is to officially inform you that it came to our notice and has been investigated through our Intelligence Monitoring Network System, with the help of The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations. Records show that you are among one of the individuals and organizations who are yet to receive their overdue payment from overseas which includes those of Lottery/Gambling,Contract and Inheritance. For your NOTICE! it is confirmed that your fund has not been paid to you due to the past corrupt Governmental Officials and some individuals who have taken advantage of your fund all in an attempt to swindle your fund which has lead to so many losses and delays.
The stated amount of $8,200.000.00 has been deposited with Bank Of Africa on your behalf as to the result of the mandate' passed to the current president of Nigeria his Excellency President Good luck Jonathan from The National Central Bureau of Interpol enhanced by the United Nations and Federal Bureau of Investigation to boost the exercise of clearing all foreign debts owed to you and other individuals and organizations who have been found not to have receive their Contract Sum, Lottery/Gambling, Inheritance and you have been approved to receive the totalled sum of $8,200.000.00,
Normally it will take up to 10 business days for an International Cheque to be cashed by your local Banks but we did notified the Federal Ministry of Finance on your behalf that your fund should be Drawn with a registered Bank in Africa so as to enable you cash the cheque instantly without any obstacle or delays.
Everything have been investigated and we have verified the entire transaction to be Safe and 100% risk free for you. PLEASE NOTE: due to the fact that you have been approved to receive your payment, you are advised "required" to claim it from now till the end of this year, when "then" it shall be permanently send to the Government treasury account as unclaimed if no response is received from you!.. You will be required to contact our corresponding officer in Africa who is in-charge of this transaction so as to make sure that your funds gets to you at your early convenience, and also you will be required to settle the following bills directly to our directed officer to avoid any mistake, please stop any communication with any one or offices if you have been in contact with any because this matter has been investigated. According to our discoveries, you were required to pay for the followings.
********************************************* BILL TO SETTLE *********************************************
* A Deposit Fee's (Fee's paid by the Federal Ministry of Finance for the deposit into United Bank for Africa on your behalf to firstly secure your fund from the bad Governmental Officials who wanted to keep the funds to their selves.
* The Deposit into Bank for Africa Cashier's Cheque Conversion Fee (Fee for converting the Wire Transfer payment into a (Certified Cashier's Cheque). The total amount for everything is $730.00. We have tried our possible best to indicate that this $730.00 should be deducted from your overdue payment but we found out that the fund have already been converted into a certified Bank Cheque and cannot be accessed; so therefore you will be required to pay the required fee's to our Correspondent officer in-charge of this transaction as to immediate facilitate the delivery of your Cashier Check to you as approved.
A trusted DHL delivery company have been contracted to make delivery to you and delivery fee of $150 will be paid to the delivery man when he will arrive to your door step with your package. All paper works that will back up your cheque for payment claims in any Bank is also been completed and stamped! so therefore you can be able to cash your $8,200.000.00 out at any Bank of your choice when you receive the cheque,
In order to proceed with this transaction, contact our correspondent officer (STEVEN PARKER) via his appropriate contact E-Mail information as soon as possible
You will be required to e-mail him with the following information for security purpose:
You will be required to send the required $730.00 so he will be able the settle your bills with the Federal Ministry of Finance so as to immediately ship your $8,200.000.00 Certified Cashier Cheque as drawn from United Bank for Africa, and also include the following Fund Reference Identification : EA2948-910
This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $730.00 ONLY to Mr. Parker
Yours sincerely,
TELEPHONE: (917) 300-1432