Attn Sir,
We wish to inform you that sequel to several meetings and a consensus reached,an instructions has been issued by the central government in West Africa for the last quarter payment of this 2014 fiscal year,due to logistic reasons we hereby initiate a payment procedure to contractors who has been in wrong hands as assumed payment officers and long overdue funds which includes your payment.
This is limited to only foreign beneficiaries/contractors owed by the government and its key agencies.
Due to overwhelming influx of responsibilities for the government to contribute to this years budgetary policies and re-capitalization of government reserve account, we have nominated a bank in Ghana to undertake this lead role, The track records qualified the bank in Ghana where government has a grant reserve account as payment center. This bank has been proactive in providing stable framework for the economic development of Ghana through the effective, efficient and transparent implementation and exchange rate policy including management in the financial sector.
We are applying wire transfer system with the derivative of part payment in your favor. The paying bank in Ghana shall commence communication with you to finalize on the payment of US$3.500.000 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars)only as
approved this quarter of the year. You are therefore advised to liaise with my office in confirming your readiness for immediate conclusion of fund transaction by furthering to us your Full names,Address and Direct Telephone(Mobile).
To reduce the stock of outstanding foreign dominated debts in order to alleviate the debt-servicing burden, expedite and as well will ensure the realization of the payment process within a practicable period of time once we finalize all documentation with the paying bank.We also request you strictly keep all local representatives blind as
this will enable this initiative work without distraction.
Once more we wish you the best as you conclude this transaction.
Yours Truly,
Yusuf Damanadani