From: "Solo Olekwai" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 20:37:17 +0200
Subject: You are about to be credited with the value of $10 million, being
part payment of your long overdue monetary entitlement, through a
consolidated crude oil account with bank Cyprus
Good Day,
You are about to be credited with the value of $10 million, being part
payment of your long overdue monetary entitlement, through a consolidated
crude oil account with bank Cyprus
This decision was resolved having considered numerous petitions from
unpaid contractual/ inheritance fund beneficiaries and, the international
communities advise concerning the huge debt Nigerian Government and some
third world countries owed to the foreigners
In a nutshell, the world powers comprising World bank, International
monetary fund and, United Nations, who have single handedly facilitate
this move, have advanced further to make it a success by appointing an
international financial consultant & Fiduciary agent based in UK, with
100% credibility, in the person of HarrySpencer Consultancy, to scrutinize
all eligible beneficiaries and recommend them to Bank Cyprus, to release
payment, through the consolidated crude oil account belonging to the
countries indebted to the beneficiaries in question, accordingly.
For more information, kindly, make formal contact to HarrySpencer
Consultancy as follows:-
Contact Person : Dr. Spencer Harry
Harry Spencer Consultancy & Fiduciary services,
6 Harrisons Birchanger
Bishop's Stortford
England UK
CM23 5QT
Tel: + +44 7937456830
Do make reference with code pay87217
Keep me posted perhaps I might be of any assistance in between
Yours truly
Solo Olekwai
Tel: +447937468679
(Volunteered off-shore agent and appointed PR)