From: "Mrs.Gloria Pattugalan" <>
Reply-To: "Mrs.Gloria Pattugalan" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:32:27 +0900 (JST)
Subject: From Mrs.Gloria Pattugalan,
>From Mrs.Gloria Pattugalan,
I want to solicit for your help in fulfiling my wish, i am Mrs.Gloria Pattugalan.68yrs old widow, my husband and i worked with Tullow oil Ivory Coast, Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire before he died seven years ago.
I am writting you this message via a computer lap top on my sick bed at the hospital were i am undergoing medical treatment,i have been diagnosed of endometrial cancer,unfortunatelly for me my doctor said i don't have any chance to survive except by a miracle and i have spent a lot of money on medical treatment yet no improvement.
The reason why i am writting you this email is because i want you to stand as beneficiary to the sum of my $ 3 Million (Three million united states dollars) which i inherited from my late husband. I dont have any bilogical child of my own who will inherit this money neither do i have any adopted child.
Donating this $3 Million Dollars (Three million united states dollars) as charity is the only legacy i can leave behind after my death, please help me to fulfill this goal before i die.I would like you to pls convert 25% of the total sum for your own personal use so that you could use the remaning money very well as i have stated.
If you are willing to help me receive this money and do as i wish then do respond me mmediately and i will give you required details.
Expecting your response soonest.
Mrs.Gloria Pattugalan.