From: <>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:19:46 -0700
Hello Friend, Good day to you, I'm very sorry to have disturbed you with
my Proposal but I am glad to know you but God knows you better and he
knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time. My name is
Hannah Anderson; I am 28 years old, from UK, where I am schooling and
working as a part time designer after school. I am the only daughter of
my parents my father died on a fatal auto accident on his way to see my
sick mother at the hospital where she was admitted for Cancer treatment,
she also died when she heard about the death of my father in same day at
the hospital. Before the death of my father, he had willed part of his
Real Estate Business, Gas Stations and a total sum of
£50,700,000.00(Fifty Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) to
me. But things has become hard for me, paying my school fees, putting
food on the table and taking care of my other needs, and with my part
time work can't help, I went to the bank where my late father deposited
the fund on my behalf to with-draw some money in other to pay for my
school fees and other bills. But I was shocked when the Bank Manager
explained to me that I will not be able to with-draw from the deposited
money, because my father had put a clause on the Will, during the
deposit, saying that before I will be given access to the money, I will
either have to be 30 years old or if only I get married before the age
of 30 , in which case, my husband will be legible to collect the money
on my behalf by standing in as my late fathers next of kin to claim the
deposited fund on my behalf. Today I am only 28 years old. And I have no
access to the money till I'm 30 years. So, I'm contacting you to stand
as my husband to claim this fund on my behalf and in case if you are
married already, you can still help me by standing in as my late
father's next of kin to the deposited fund. So, please get back to me as
to know how you will be remunerated as I will part with 25% of the total
sum £50,700,000.00 (Fifty Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds
Sterling). If you are interested kindly reply me to my email address: Please remember that I am writing you this
email purely on the ground of trust so we can achieve this deal
together. This transaction will last for two weeks after you get back to
me on how serious you are to claim this fund on my behalf. God bless,
Hannah Anderson.