From: Alan Reid <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 16:06:48 +0000
Subject: Hello Dear!!!
Good day,
I am Alan Reid, personal assistant to late Mr. Abe Krok, a South African gambling tycoon and one of the country's richest men in South African.
I have a profiling amount in an excess of US$40.5M, which I seek you to accommodate for me. You will be rewarded with 40% of the total sum for your partnership. Can you handle this? As his personal assistant, I was authorized to transfer money out of South Africa, of one of his numerous gambling business deals.
The funds have since left the shores of South Africa to a European private financial institution where the final crediting is to be carried out in 2012. While I was on the process, my boss got seriously ill for long and later died on Januaray 22, 2013. I have placed on hold all transactions concerning this amount. You can catch more of my boss story on this websites:
All I need from you is to stand as the beneficiary of the above mentioned sum and I will re-profile the funds with your data, which will enable the financial firm to transfer the sum to you. I have decided to use this sum to relocate to the American continent to invest in good and profitable business and never to be connected to any of my late boss gambling business again. Non of my boss family member knew about the existence of this funds because it was a secret gambling business deal. presently I am in United States.
The transaction has to be concluded as soon and as I confirm your readiness to proceed with me, I will provide you with details on how to execute this transaction.
Looking forward to your urgent reply.
Alan Reid.
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