I got your mail through my personal search in Internet to locate a good business personality who will assist me to setup a business or better still invest in an existing business.
I'm Jefferson Ollar, an American National and a US soldier,serving in Afghanistan for 5years now but will be going back to my country soon. Now I want to let you into my world and secret with hope that you will never betray or disappoint me. i believe you can be trusted, I am now going to tell you what I have done in Afghanistan and my plans to execute a master plan that could see both of our futures bright.
During our search and rescue duty in Afghanistan, my team came across hidden treasure that contains a huge amount of money.Well the amount of money is so much that we could not keep for our self, we reported it to the commander, and the details of that is not important here, however, because of the large quantity of the fund, my team and I decided to take some cash out for ourselfs .
Due to the nature of my job and the tight government regulations towards owning a large sum of money, I cannot take this fund to America. Because as a soldier I am not suppose to have such amount of cash in my possession, the amount of cash we are talking about here is $ 15,000, 000, 00, Fifteen Million United States dollars .
Now you have to help me to receive this cash, and keep it until I arrive in your country and immediately we can use the money for investment ,i will also offer you % 35 percent of the total money for your needs in future and save the rest for me. this money will be deliver to you in your address through diplomatic security company because the situation of Afghanistan does not allow bank transfer to another country from here.So i will make arrangement of delivery the money to you through diplomatic security company as Family Treasure.
However, my duty in Afghanistan is coming to an end, the money is no longer safe were i deposit it in security company, therefore I have made an arrangement on how to deliver this fund to you in your country by diplomatic means as soon as possible if you are interested.
All I need from you is to assure me that you will be able to handle the process of receiving it and keeping it until I arrive your country. I'm desperately waiting for your positive reply.
You can reach me with my email : jefferson_ollar.us@hotmail.com
Best Regards.