From: "Mr. Charles Inkoom" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 04:52:21 -0500
Subject: Greetings To You..
From;Mr. Charles Inkoom HFC Bank Accra Ghana My greetings of the day to you=
, I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we never met befo=
re. I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to Startin=
g a business relationship but I believe knowing each other starts from a st=
ep of which I believe I am not making a mistake exposing this very importan=
t business deal to you, it is my urgent need for a foreign partner that has=
caused me to send this to you. I apologized if you find this intrusive, bu=
t there is an opportunity for both of us to work together and make clean mo=
ney that is left over for nobody to claim. Firstly, let me start by identif=
ying myself, My name is Mr. Charles Inkoom, in charge of Accounting and Aud=
iting Unit of HFC Bank in Accra-Ghana. I am writing to solicit your assista=
nce in the transfer of Nine million Euros belonging to one of my foreign cl=
ient who died some years ago without a Will or a Next of Kin to claim the s=
aid funds, since his death the account has been dormant and according to th=
e Ghanaian banking law and procedures which states that any account abandon=
ed or dormant for a period of some years is subjected to be closed and all =
money contained therein will be forfeited to the Government Treasury as "Un=
claimed Bills". As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected t=
o this money thus I am impelled to request for your assistance to receive t=
his money into your bank account as the next of kin to the deceased. I inte=
nd to give 45% of this fund to you while 50% shall be for me and the balanc=
e of 5% to be used to cover any expenses. I do need to stress that there ar=
e practically no risk involved in this. It is going to be a bank-to-bank tr=
ansfer to your nominated bank account anywhere of your choice. All I need f=
rom you is to stand as the beneficiary of this fund by sending your account=
details for the immediate transfer of the fund to the account. If you acce=
pt this offer, I will appreciate your timely response so that we can procee=
d with the transfer immediately. Waiting for your urgent reply confidential=
ly at my Private email id ( Regards, Mr. Charles Inkoom