From: James Canon <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 12:57:18 +0200
Subject: from:Sgt.Brooks..........funds investment
My name is Sgt.Brooks Fitte . I am an American soldier presently on active
service with Squadron battalion here in Afghanistan. I served with the
Third Infantry Division in Iraq since 2003, before thousand of my lucky
colleagues were pulled out in August this year, leaving my superior and
myself among the unlucky ones drafted to Afghanistan where I am serving
presently. During my call to duty in Iraq, my superior and I moved US$25
million ( Twenty Five Million US dollars) being part of funds recovered
from late Saddam Hussein during a search in one of his palaces in 2003.
Through the assistance of a Senior Red Cross Delegate to Iraq, this fund
has been safely moved out of Iraq and currently deposited in a secured
financial institution .
Basically, since my superior and I are not among thousands of our
colleagues that were withdrawn in August, we cannot continue to keep these
funds in the financial institution for as long as we remain here. Hence my
superior officer has authorized me to look for a reliable and trustworthy
person that could assist us to retrieve these funds from the financial
institution for investment.
Once you retrieve the funds, we shall disburse it in three proportions: you
will have 30% and I will have 30%, while my superior officer will have 35%.
5% will be set aside to offset all expenses that may be incurred in the
process of retrieving the funds. For security reasons, this transaction
must be kept very secret, and should not be disclosed to anyone else. As
long as you follow my instructions, I can assure you that this transaction
is 100% risk free. Due to the call of my duty here and the secret nature of
this transaction, I would prefer you communicate to me through email:
If you find my proposal interesting, reply this mail so I could send you
more details.
Strictly contact me on my private e-mail :
Respectfully submitted.
Sgt.Brooks Fitte
Squadron Battalion,
US Army Base, Afghanistan