My name is Mr Bruno Pujol, I am 81 years old and I was diagnosed for cancer
for about 2 years ago,am sorry to contact you in this manner but please bear
in mind that i got your contact in international directories with World
Health Organization. I will be going in for an operation later today,i
decided to WILL/DONATE the sum of $100,000,000.00 USD (Hundred
Millions United States
Dollars) to you because of your profile and status.
I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and
extended family members as well as a few close friends. I have decided to
give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last
good deeds I do on earth. So far, I have distributed money to some charity
organizations in the U.A.E, Algeria,South America,Eastern Europe and
Malaysia.Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this
myself anymore
The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of
$100,000.000 USD (Hundred Millions United States Dollars),that I have with a
finance/firm Company abroad. I will want you to help me collect this deposit
and dispatched it to charity organizations,i have set aside 20% for you for
your time and patience.please send a reply through this email address
(brunopujol323@yandex.com) with your full contact information for
more private
and confidential communication.
Yours truly,