From: doris34_56 <>
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 04:21:24 +0200 (CEST)
Dear Madam/Sir,
On behalf of the fourth International Conference on Violence in the health
sector we are delighted to invite you to the United State and Senegal for the
Joint World Conference on child right and war-affected children from july 22th
to 25nd In the united States and from july 28th to 31th in Senegal.
This Conference will bring together practitioners, researchers and educators
from around the world who are engaged in Child Right, Child Health and Social
Note.... REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of (1-3) or maximum of (4-6)
persons are expected to participate together as a group or organization to
represent their Country in the forth-coming events. None of them should be
than eighteen (18) years of age and delegates must participate in both
Note..Due to time factors of the forth-coming international events, we request
that you quickly send us the requested details ASAP to enable us create your
registration file and proceed further with your visa processing.
Note...that the Organizing Committee and Our donor sponsors will take the full
responsibility of all registered participants Visa processing for the United
States & Senegal respectively. That will include your Round trip air tickets
both events. While delegates will only be responsible for his/her own hotel
accommodation in Dakar,Senegal were the second phase of the event will be
I do hope you can make time in your busy schedule to attend these conference
and share your ideas on the above conference topics.
Note.. Awards and Gifts will be given to participants on merit.....You are
hereby advised to equip your selves and exhibit your God given talents to the
fullest. We welcome Delegates, Inter-Governmental and Non-Governmental
Organizations, young or old to the forth-coming International Conference.
Please let me know whether you can make it as soon as you can, through my
personal my e-mail: []
Thanks for your co-operation,
I am wishing you a pleasant stay during your visit to United State of America
We look forward to welcoming you all to (FICVHS 2014)
Dr,Ms.Doris Johnson.
fourth International Conference on Violence in the health sector (FICVHS).
Los angeles, California
United States of America.