From: Joseph Nguran <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:36:41 +0000
Subject: (No Subject)
I am Mr. Joseph Nguran Bank
headquarters in Lomé, Togo. Indicate your interest in receiving a transmission
($ 6.5) million. 50% for me and 50% for you. You will act as the next of kin of
the deceased client, Engr. D.Collins, whose account is currently inactive, I
know you will be very surprised, because we had never met before, but I made my
intention to open for you understanding what Engr. D Collins, is a client of
our Bank, who died a few years ago with his wife and only daughter in a car
accident and left $ (US $ 6.5 million) in dormant bank account leaving no one
behind the action, I made all the necessary request to the Embassy, but there
is no one left to qualify for the Fund Six million, five hundred thousand
I suggest you keep it as top
secret as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after we
conclude this transaction with you, so if you will accept my proposal, I
suggest you contact me back right away with your positive response so I will
guide you on how to apply for the release of funds to your account in your
Please get back with the
remaining bellow details immediately you acknowledge the good receipt of this
message for reconfirmation.(1) Full name.......................(2) Current
(3) Home & Office address........................
Because this is exactly what
the bank will like to verify first and i will perfect this side.
With perfect reverence
Joseph Nguran