From: "Wanlida Textile Co. Limited" <>
Reply-To: David Becker <>
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2014 12:56:22 -0300 (BRT)
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is my pleasure to write you in respect of our Company Wanlida Textile Co. Ltd.Based No.6 The Third District Nanshan Road, Shengze, Wujiang City, Jiangsu Province. China. We are experts in the sale of Textile materials; we export into the Canada/America and parts Europe.We got your email through Business Directory. We were recently given a two year contract to supply our product to Canada/America and Europe trade zones. We are searching for a representative who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in Europe and America as well as making payments through you as our payment officer. In our just concluded Annual General Meeting (AGM).
I, as the CEO of this multinational company hereby relate with you because of the communication problem faced by most of our Board Members, since many of them cannot read, speak or write English language except Chinnese which is our official language. In view of this you are expected to relate directly with me as the company representative since i decieded to contact you and give them frequent update about our activities. Most of our customers have problem in making payment to us as we do not run foreign accounts.
About 90 percent of our customers prefer to pay through Certified Cheques and Money orders or bank transfers based on the amount involved.
Your Task We have decided to open this new job position for solving this problem.
Your tasks are;
1. Recieve payment from Customers
2. Cash Payments at your Bank
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed
4. Forward balance afer deduction of percentage/pay to any of the offices you will be contacted to send payment to.(Payment is to forwarded either by MoneyGram or Western Union Money Transfer).
Local Money transfers takes barely hours, so it will give us a possibility to get customer's payment almost immediately. For example you've got 3000.00USD. You take your income : 300.00 USD. Send to us: 2700.00 USD. First month you will have 15-20 transactions on 3000.00-4000.00 USD. So you may calculate your income. For example 18 transactions on 3500.00 USD gives you 4410.00 USD. Plus your basic monthly salary of 1000.00 USD, Total: 5410.00 USD per month.
After establishing a close co-operation with us you'll be able to operate with larger orders and you'll be able to earn more. Our payments will be issued out in your name and you can have them cashed in your bank or other Cashing Services.Deduct your weekly salary and forward the balance to the company via western union money transfer or moneygram money transfer. We understand it is an unusual and incredible job position. This job takes only 3-7 hours per week. You'll have a
lot of free time doing another job, you'll get good income and regular job.So if you are interested, your quick response to the email below would be appreciated.You are to reply to the company public relation officer email address as below:
Thanks for your time.
Kindly reply your response to the company public relation officer below
Mr.David Becker
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