Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 18:18:36 +0530
Subject: Hindu business partner
My Dear Friend, My name is Dr. Mark Anderson Makizu a business consultant b=
ased in London, United Kingdom. I got your esteemed contact during my searc=
h here for a capable, reliable and trustworthy individual from your country=
India the company pays for the materials on Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) in I=
ndia. There is a herbal Medicinal Product highly needed by company based in=
London, United Kingdom and the company is coming to your country to buy th=
ese herbal Medicinal Product. I would like you to stand in as a middle man =
between me and the company based in London, United Kingdom. I am acting as =
their consultant. This company will come to India to buy their herbal Medic=
inal Product in a huge quantity. But the problem we are having with the dea=
ler in India is language barriers hence, we would like you to assist me and=
be part of this business in India. Your role is to use Hindi local languag=
e to liaise with the local dealer and buy the product and when the company =
in London, United Kingdom will come to India to purchase these materials fr=
om you. We have tried to talk to the dealer in India but having some langua=
ge problems. Please your participation will not hinder you from your origin=
al business / activities but you and we will be making huge profits at the =
end of every supply made to the London Company anytime they visit India. I =
will give you more details of this proposal the moment I hear from you with=
your personal introduction.I await your urgent response to my private emai=
l: I await your urgent response. Best Regard=
s, Dr. Mark Anderson Makizu Tel: 00447014217428