From: Simon Fisher <>
Date: Sat, 24 May 2014 07:36:22 -0400
Subject: Request for Help
Dear Sir,
I am Sgt. Simon Fisher, part of the US Army peace keeping delegation
to Afghanistan, but will be returning home finally in some weeks from
now. Let me quickly tell you a little about my background; I was born
and brought in New Orleans United states, in a peaceful moderate
family of Four, however In August 2005, the dreadful natural disaster
Hurricane Katrina came and took my family away. My Dad and little
sister, leaving my mother who was in Italy at that time on a business
trip, she lived rest of her life in Daytona, Florida, but never
recovered from the pain, she passed on June last year, painful part
is, i wasn't there to pay her last respect.
I was out of town for my military recruiting training at west point,
New York, that was my escape, however escape without my love ones
makes life kind of empty and since then I have been trying to give my
life a meaning.
This is just a brief about me; i shall tell you more about my plans
after returning to State. I'd like to know about you as well; your
work, career, and family, whatever you feel comfortable to share with
me.My main purpose of contacting you to seek your assistance on this
urgent issues, On the 13th of
November, 2010 when the Taliban Insurgent attacked Afghanistan main
airport, i was privileged to save a boy's life whose father, a wealthy
Gold Merchant decided to reward me with 100 Kilo Gold Bar as personal
Gift (market worth of four million US Dollars).
The President of United State made an announcement that all the troops
in Afghanistan will be coming back to the state soon.I want you to
help me receive the GOLD BAR which i plan to ship through a private
courier company here, i am willing to give you 30% of any amount that
will be made from the sale of the GOLD BAR,but for now i just need to
get this GOLD out of here, else i loose it completely
I will gratefully appreciate your response so i can give you further details
I earnestly look forward to your message.
Sgt. Simon Fisher.
Please note: We are not allowed to use any form of voice communication
for security reasons and may delay sometimes in responding to your
message, but will surely do when i get online.