From: Tony Williama <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 09:07:23 +0100
Subject: Partnering with you..
Ever GreenField Associates
Tony Williama (solicitor at law)
43 Tanner Street London SE1 3DP
United Kingdom
Phone: +447937458237
Hello There.
This is a personal email directed to you and I request that it should be treated as such. I am Tony Williama, a solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney/sole executor to the late Mr. Abdou Elzanaty an Egyptian , hereinafter referred to as 'my client' who worked as an independent oil contractor and magnate here in London and across Europe, Africa, Asia,America and Middle East. Mr. Abdou Elzanaty met his death along with his wife in a plane crash from EgyptAir Flight 99 on Tuesday, November 2, 1999. you can read more about his death on this link:
Since the death of my client in Nov, 1999 I have written several letters to the embassy with intent to locate any of his extended relatives whom shall be claimants/beneficiaries of his abandoned personal estate and all such efforts have been to no avail. More so, I have received official letters in the last few weeks suggesting a likely proceeding for confiscation of his abandoned personal assets in line with existing laws by the bank in which my client deposited the sum of £9.8m GBP. The board of directors of the Bank now adopted a resolution and I was mandated to provide his next of kin to claim his deposit within the next 15 official working days or forfeit the money as an abandoned fund. The Bank has plans of invoking the united Kingdom Banking Decree of 1996 to confiscate the funds after the expiration of the period given to me since it has been unclaimed for 15 years now but after an investigation in the Bank, I found out that some members of the board of directors of the Bank wants to divert this fund into their private accounts for their own selfish interest and only want to use the excuse that since I am not able to provide a next of kin to lay claims. My client's account with the bank ha been dormant for a long time now due to lack of services(CASH DEPOSIT) to the account, for this reason the directors are working with Head of operation in the account department to confiscate the deposit if i fail to come up with a next of kin within the given 15 official working days.
By virtue of my closeness to the deceased and his immediate family, I am very much aware of my client's financial standing. I also know about his unpaid contract sum of £5.3m GBP with TRAXPOL OIL AND DRILLING COMPANY. I do sincerely sympathize the death of my client, but had thought it unprofitable for his funds to be confiscated by the bank and the still fore go the contract sum with the oil and drilling company, i have decided to make use of this opportunity to make a meaningful impart to my life by seeking for a foreign whom i can present to the bank and oil company as next to claim the above mentioned for joint utilization and benefit. On this note I seek your consent to work with me as next of kin to my late client to enable us claim the sum £15.1Million GBP from the bank and oil company, I want to assure you that every step on claiming is free of any risk and it will be carried out under a legitimate process that will protect you from any breach of the law as i will be here to guide you every step of the way. Once we have completed the claims, the sharing should be thus:- 50% is for me as the initiator and I will confidently hand over to you all the essential documents on this very contract payment and the bank deposit, you will also guide me on the investment of my share into real estate there in your country. 45% should be for you as my partner, considering the essential role that you will play in this transaction. 5% should be for expense reimbursement that should be incurred on the legal actualization in laying claims to the said funds in your favour.
If you find my email to you appealing and you wish to work with me on this, I will require from the following details:-
Your name in full.
Your residential Address in full.
Your Mobile (Cell) telephone number.
Tel/Fax Number
Brief information on your profile, this should include your age, marital status and nature of Job. This is a very high business transaction that requires someone with experience, exposure and more than average means of livelihood, and i know you can handle you it. You can reach me on phone on: +447937458237 or you can send me an
email on:
Tony Williama (solicitor at law)
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