From: =?UTF-8?B?ImtldmluIEdyZWdvcml1cyI=?= <>
Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Kevin Gregorius, personal attorney to Late A=
ndreas Schranner. I came to you in my private search for a reliable person =
to handle this confidential transaction, which involves huge sum of money h=
ence; you will be presented as the next of kin to the deceased.
The P=
roposition: My late client Andreas Schranner who died on 25th July 2000 abo=
ard AF4590 which crashed into the Hotelissimo with all 109 people on board =
and five who died on the ground when the plane crashed, while returning fro=
m his country from a business trip. He deposited a huge sum of money with a=
financial institute here in Togo worth US$12.5 Million; having heard of th=
e tragic incident involving late Andreas Schranner and his family, the fina=
ncial institution now expects a next of kin as beneficiary. Valuable effort=
s have been made by the financial institution through Togo Apex Bank manage=
ment and myself to get in touch with any of his family's but I personally f=
ound out that he died with his wife Maria who was 62, their daughter Andrea=
Eich who was 38, her husband Christian who was 57, and their children Kath=
arina who was 8 and Maximilian who was 10, all died in the crash.
only name of next of kin given to me by Andreas Schranner unfortunately wa=
s with him in the same flight that crashed. I'm taking this advantage in or=
der to better my life and that of my family; I now decided to seek your per=
mission to have you stand as next of kin to late Andreas Schranner, so that=
the money is released to you as the next of kin. All documents and proves =
to enable you get this fund will be carefully worked out by me as the attor=
ney and will ensure that all legal documents are processed in your favor be=
cause he gave me the certificate of deposit before his death. You can take =
time and verify from the website as shown herein for confirmation of the cr=
I am as=
suring you that this transaction and its procedures is 100% legal and risk =
free involvement. Your share stays while the rest will be for us. The shari=
ng of the fund between the two of us will be as follows: 30% of the total s=
um will go to you for your effort and commitment to the success of this tra=
nsaction. 70% will be for us here. As soon as I receive an acknowledgement =
of the receipt of this message in Acceptance, I will immediately start up w=
ith the process. If this proposal is acceptable by you, kindly reply me imm=
ediately you get this mail through this email address: kevingregorius1@outl=
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Kevin Gregorius.