Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:18:11 -0400
Subject: Your Compensation Payment
Dear friend,
This is to inform you about my success in getting the funds moved under the co-operation of a new partner from India. Presently, I'm in India for the purpose of investing my own share of the money. Meanwhile I didn't forget you're past efforts and attempts in assisting me to move the cash even though we were not successful. Now contact my sectary in Benin-Republic on the under listed contact below:
ATTN: Mr.Nelson Moore
Cotonou Republic du Benin.
Address, II Kounia, 01 BP Cotonou
Tel phone:+229-937-029-51
E-mail :
Ask my sectary to transfer to your account the sum of ($800,000.00) Eight hundred thousand dollars from my account number 00223950001701. Deposit Code: xxczz. Which I kept for you as compensation for your past efforts and attempt to assist me in this matter. I appreciate your efforts at that time so much. So feel free and contact my sectary in Benin, and give them instructions on where to transfer your fund.
Please let me know immediately you receive your money in your account, so that we can share the joy after all the sufferings at that time. At the moment, I'm very busy here investing with my new partner.
Best regards,
Dr. Vamara Zorome