From: "Mr. Abdul Al Awar" <>
Date: Fri, 02 May 2014 08:16:08 +0000
Subject: From: Mr. Abdul Al Awar.
I Mr. Abdul Al Awar, a director in the project and planning department of =
the Emirates National Oil Company, U.A.E. I head a seven man Tenders Board =
Committee in charge of contract award and Payment approvals. I came to know=
of you in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very c=
onfidential transaction, which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money=
to a foreign account. There were series of contracts executed by a consort=
ium of Multinationals in the oil industry in Emirates National Oil Company,=
U.A.E among which were;
1) The expansion of Pipeline network within Emirate for crude oil and d=
ownstream products distribution and subsequent evacuation- US$2 Billion.
2) Contract for Turn around Maintenance (TAM) of various Refineries in E=
3) The construction of Storage Tanks for Petroleum Product (Depots)-US$9=
4 Million.
The original value of these contracts were deliberately over invoiced in =
the sum of Twenty Five million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars=
(US$25,500,000.00) which has recently been approved and now ready to be tr=
ansferred. However the companies that actually executed the aforementioned =
contract have been fully paid and the projects officially commissioned.
Consequently, my colleagues and I are willing to transfer the total amount =
into your account for subsequent disbursement; nonetheless, civil servants =
are prohibited by the Code of Conduct Bureau of Emirates Civil Service Laws=
from opening and/or operating foreign accounts. Needless to say, the trust=
reposed in you at this juncture is enormous. In return, we have agreed amo=
ngst ourselves to offer you 15% of the transferred sum, 5% shall be set asi=
de for any incidental expenses during the course of this transaction, you w=
ill then be mandated to revert the balance to us in due course.
You must however NOTE that this transaction is subject to the following te=
rms and conditions; our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligenc=
e, that you must accord this transaction with utmost confidentiality and se=
crecy. Modalities have been worked out at the highest levels of the Finance=
Department of the Emirate, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates and th=
e Presidential Task Force on Contract Payment for the immediate remittance =
of the funds within 10 - 14 working days subject to your satisfaction of th=
e above terms.
Our assurance is that your role shall be totally risk free. To accord this =
transaction the legality it deserves, and for mutual security of funds, the=
whole procedures shall be legally processed with your name or any company =
you may nominate as the bonafide final beneficiary. Once more, I want you t=
o understand that having put in over 20 years in the Civil Service of my co=
untry; I am very much averse to having my image and career dented. This mat=
ter should therefore be treated with utmost secrecy and urgency. Kindly exp=
edite immediate action as we are well behind schedule to enable us include =
this transfer in the last batch of the 2013 fiscal year contract arrears pa=
yments. Please Find enclose copies of my identification for your perusal an=
d I look forward to hearing from you ASAP.
Best Regards,
Mr. Abdul Al Awar.