Dear Friend,
I wish to confirm to you that funds has been release and every legal modality as regards to the smooth conclusion of this transaction has been perfectly put in place.
I am the new attorney of the bank and I came across a file on your name which was submitted your information to the payment Department of HSBC Bank, You are advice to follow instruction accordingly by sending the required information�s to enable them commence the date of the transfer of your payment $5,500,000.00 to be transfer into your account.
Please reconfirm the following information to avoid rung crediting of an account.
Full Name:....................
Your direct phone number:...............
Bank Name:.....................
Bank Address:....................
Account Name:....................
Account Number:..................
Routing Number:..................
This information will be submitted to the bank on your behalf I receive a notice that we will have to pay 0.1% out of the total sum $5,500,000.00 which is equivalent to $1,860 before funds can be transferred.
I will like to know if we will need my assistance on that I have already talk to a friend who is an investor I can give out my house as a collateral for him to help us in this project But he said that we will give him 10% of the total sum $5,500,000.00 for him to take care of all expenses in this transaction.
So if you agree with that let me know so that we can work something out with him.
As you must know business of this nature succeeds only when both parties keep everything highly confidential from any third party till the point of remittance. This will not take more than 48 hours after confirmation.
I will await your urgent response immediately to start processing your funds for transfer.
Have a nice day and God Bless,
Yours Sincerely.
Barrister Brian Smith.