From: =?UTF-8?B?IkVuZ3IuRGFyaW8gTWFydGVsIFJhbW9zIg==?= <>
Oil license NO 789749/C-STP
Reply Email:<=
br> This is a confidential business offer from the oil rich Sao Tome and=
Principe . Please ensure that you reply this email strictly at= I make this introduction based on my regard for =
your credibility. My name is Engr. Dario Martel Ramos. I work with th=
e Sao Tome and Principe national petroleum agency.
To be precise=
, I oversee the issuance of oil allocation license for our oil company. My =
position in the agency entitles me to recommend oil allocation bidders and =
actualize oil lifting and exploration allocation licenses to my candidates =
based on my interest. I also oversea and approve the issuance of the licens=
e for oil allocation in our company and also monitor the lifting procedures=
in our company.
In June 2007, I facilitated and actualize=
d the license of a candidate. A business man from Korea (Comprehensive deta=
ils to be provided subsequently).The license was for 1 year at 24 million B=
BLS/12 months. Incidentally the candidate was no more. The license has been=
valid till date (as I always ensure that I keep to my side of the bargain)=
, I have decided to begin using the license from APRIL 2014. I am in need o=
f a partner from your country whom I can trust. I will package this partner=
as the allocation license beneficiary and assign the license to this partn=
er. Due to my position in the petroleum agency, I cannot handle this positi=
on. Your profile fits into the criteria of a partner I need. This is why I =
am contacting you. With the trend of events in Sao Tome and Principe , we s=
hall be able to lift a minimum of 300,000 barrels of BLCO per month. This w=
ill fetch us an average of US$28 million per month. And we have from APRIL =
2014 up until APRIL 2015 to lift crude oil whic! h will fetch us approxi=
mately (12) x (28) Million dollars. Which is approximately 336 Million doll=
ars for the rest of the time of the license allocation. I have ready =
buyers who are waiting and would be ready to scramble for any number =
of barrels we lift. Also I will oversee all lifting procedures with the ava=
ilable mercenary around.
This is what I propose:
1. Y=
our company profile shall be used in place of the initial license Operator.=
This I shall handle with my capacity in the company.
2. I will =
ensure that your company's profile is recognized as the current license ope=
rator and that we have a mandate for at least min of 300,000 barrels per mo=
nth, a maximum of 500,000 barrels per month. Starting from APRIL.
3. I will ensure that all lifting procedures are in place and buyers read=
ily available to purchase the product.
4. You shall stand =
in as the license operator for all lifting and sales transactions; we shall=
open an account for the receipt of the oil sale proceeds in which both of =
us shall be signatories to the account or you can provide your personal or =
company bank account to receive the payments on our behalf. 5. We shall split the oil sale proceeds in the ratio of 60:40 equity shar=
es. I shall be entitled to 60% share while your company shall be entitled t=
o 40% share.
Please note: no third party arrangement shall be allowe=
d. I believe you are a man of wisdom and intelligence.
This offe=
r I make to you is based on utmost good faith. I could be Jeopardizing my p=
osition in the agency if a word of this goes out.
Therefore without =
mincing words, I rely on you for utmost confidentiality on every bit of det=
ail relating to this transaction.
Please reply this email strictly a=
I am in London on official duties at the mo=
ment waiting for your response. Upon your positive response, I will be will=
ing to forward to you proof of my proposition and my personal identity. Als=
o I shall fly back to Sao Tome and Principe and from there we shall commenc=
e operations. I shall also provide you details of the former license operat=
or and a copy of the license issued to him for the lifting of crude oil in =
our company which I personally approved and endorsed. Also procedures for l=
icense reassignment and actualizing the rest of the project shall be pro=
vided to you.
Please in response to this email, quote the reference =
number: Oil license NO 789749/C-STP
I look forward to a prospecti=
ve business relationship between us.
Engr. Dario Marte=
l Ramos