From: "Mr Martins Ojiugo" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 05:00:24 -0500
Dear Creditor,
We need to confirm from you if if Habib Bank AG Zurich Switzerland has credited your account, with your over due approved payment as instructed by African Union. The African Union and Nigerian Government have instructed for an immediate transfer to all beneficiaries who has an outstanding payment to collect such as compensation payment, contract payment, inheritance and loto winning payment should be paid through Habib Bank Zurich Switzerland.
Hence we will be obliged to confirm from you if you have received your approved sum from our corresponding bank Habib Bank AG Zurich Switzerland to enable us close your file and put our record straight. However, if you have not received your approved sum from the above mentioned Bank, do get back to us urgently with the bellow details to enable us verify with the Bank to ascertain reason for the delay. See details required bellow:
(1) Your full Name:
(2) Your address:
(3) Your direct telephone/fax contact:
(4) Your receiving Bank Name:
(5) Your Bank contact address:
(6) Swft code if any:
(7) Sort code if there is any:
(8) Routing number if there is any
(9) Your Bank account holder's Name:
(10) Your receiving Bank account number:
(11) The amount you are expecting:
(12) Purpose of your payment:
The above needed information will help us verify with the bank and instruct them to credit your bank account without delay. As soon as we finalize release of your funds with the bank which will happen upon your immediate response to this message with the above needed details. The Bank will communicate you accordingly.
Looking forward to receiving from you urgent response.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Martins Ojo
P.A Escrow account Officer.
Senate committee on foreign debt
Annex Office Zurich Switzerland.
Avvertenze ai sensi del D.Lgs.196 del 30/06/2003
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