From: "Phils Fregpong" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 19:42:22 -0000
Subject: project for your consideration
A close friend of mine, Essam El Haddad an aide to the deposed Egyptian President
Mohammed Morsi who is now criminally charged for incitement to murder and thurgery
by the present Egyptian regime has requested me to get a reliable person who will be
entrusted with a confidential project (Fund) on behalf of detained Khairat El-
Shater, a wealthy businessman, and the deputy of the Brotherhood's supreme leader
(Party), considered the group's most powerful decision-maker.
When Mohammed Morsi's government was over thrown, the present regime in Egypt
arrested and detained Khairat El-Shater for mere suspicion that he is a powerful
decision maker within his party and very wealthy. Currently a criminal
investigations against him and others is going on, with prosecutors saying they
were examining complaints of spying, inciting violence and ruining the economy
against them which its outcome is Politically obvious. As you read this, the
government has arrested and detained the leader of the Brotherhood (Party) and
given light prison sentences to some of their protesting supporters as others will soon
appear in Court.
The family of Khairat El-Shater is afraid of his safety, businesses and
finances under the present Egyptian leadership, hence, the decision to protect his
funds worth Millions of Dollars in foreign currency which the present regime wants
to confiscate to reduce his financial muscle and influence in the party which is
now outlawed.
I assure you to get more details about the status of this project when I get your
Note: Your receipt of this letter should not come to you as a surprise as my
personal conviction as a consultant with the African Union (AU) made me chose you
out of the three personalities whose profiles were presented to me by a colleague of
Fregpong Phils.