From: " Assets Recovery Agency." (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 02:28:15 -0000
Subject: Assets Recovery Agency
3 Whitehall Court, London, SW1A 2EL.
United Kingdom.
Fax: 448447749792
The Assets Recovery Agency (ARA) is a coalition of Legal advisers, International Bank Auditors, International Financial Intelligence Units and selected Insurance Companies and Banks. ARA is disturbed by the spate of scam hinged on Contractors being owed mainly in Africa beneficiaries of inheritance funds after the death of the next of kin, People being owed for lotteries purportedly won, buyers of gold/diamond who never received the goods after making payments to the sellers etc.
>From records, we suspect you are a victim of the scam hence we have decided to look into your case. We are aware that all manner of unscrupulous and corrupt officials have contacted you and are still contacting you. For prompt action on your case, reply immediately and reconfirm the following:
1. How much are you being owed?
2. State the origin, e.g. executed contract, inheritance, lottery won e.t.c.
3. Have you received any Card, bogus Draft or Cheque ?
4. Was there any attempt to pay you with the so-called defaced cash?
5. How much have you paid to them? Can you prove it?
6. When or how long have you been on this case (pursuit of your payment)?
7. phone and Fax number
ARA pursues each case based on merit and will pay appropriate compensation based on substance and circumstances. You MUST CONVINCE us you are a victim with enough proof that you made payments. Once we are convinced and satisfied you have a good case, one of our banks will pay you the appropriate compensation immediately. Provide your direct telephone numbers, as it may be necessary to speak with you. Our telephone discussions are strictly on appointment. We have limited time to attend to your case.
You must stop fruitless exchange of correspondence with offices/officials and take advantage of our intervention. We will hands-off your case if you do otherwise. Our dealings with you must be discreet so that the miscreants will not try to erase some records, hence preempt and jeopardize our efforts. Your prompt response and full co-operation are needed by mail.
Yours Sincerely,
Barrister Raymond Brown.
Legal Adviser, Assets Recovery Agency.