From: "Mr.Yukon Jeff." <>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 04:04:32 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Attention:From Mr. Jeff Yukon Geoffrey?
UBS AG Postfach
8098 Zürich
Dear Sir.
My Name is Mr.Yukon Geoffrey 'J. and I am an investment consultant working with Bank Of
Switzerland, UBS AG. at their offshore department Zurich Switzerland .I will be happy to
work this deal out with you if you have a corporate or personal Bank Account and if you
are capable to keep TOP SECRET.I need strong Assurance that you will never let me down,
if I transfer this money to your account.
During one of our periodic auditing I discovered a dormant accounts with holding balance
of 500,000.000.00 (Five Hundred Million British Pounds) this account has not been
operated for the past years. As at this moment,I am constrained to issue more details
about this business until your response is received.
If you are not familiar with my Bank profile,please take a moment of your very busy
schedules to read about my Bank website; and I look forward to hearing from
you as soon as possible if you are interested, on replying send me the followings.
1) Account Name:............
2) Your Bank Name: ..............
3) Your Bank Address: .............
4)My Phone Number.................
5)Your Fax Numbers..................
6) Bank Account Number: ...................
7) Receiving Country: ............
8) E-Mail..........
9) Your Age......................
10)Your profession.....................
11) Your Position in office.............
12) My home address............
15)Swift Code............
Thank you for your time and attention.
Warmest regards,
Mr.Yukon Geoffrey 'J.
Chief investment Consultant,
UBS AG Postfach
8098 Zürich Switzerland
Thank you for your time, reply to my most private email:{}