Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 20:56:49 +0530
United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)
In Affiliation With Barrack Obama Campaign to Assist Scammed Individuals In=
The Settlement Of Disputes Through RBS (Royal Bank Of Scotland).
How are you doing today? Hope all is well with you and your family? You may=
not understand why this mail came to you but kindly read the following pro=
cedures for your claim.The United Nation Compensation Commission (UNCC) was=
created in 1991 as a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council. Its mand=
ate is to process claims and pay compensation for losses and damages suffer=
ed as a direct result of
Internet Fraud.
The UNCC in conjunction with the Obama Campaign on the 12th of October 2008=
organized a confederation meeting which ended 2 weeks later, with the Secr=
etary General to the UNITED NATIONS. This meeting was first held on the 8th=
of April 2003 by the then secretary to the UN. You can view this page for =
your perusal (
This email is directed to all individuals that have been scammed in all par=
ts of the world. In reference to the just concluded meeting, the UNCC in af=
filiation with Barrack Obama Campaign have agreed to compensate them with c=
ategorical payment sum of 500,000GBP each. In its decision 17" of 24th Marc=
h 2006, the Governing Council established basic principles for the distribu=
tion of compensation payments to successful claimants. This decision was ma=
de two months before the resolution of the first installment of claims befo=
re the Commission.
As stated in the Secretary-General=E2=80=99s report of 2nd May 2006, it was=
anticipated that the value of approved awards would far exceed the resourc=
es available in the Compensation Fund at any given time.The Governing Counc=
il therefore devised a mechanism for the allocation of available funds to s=
uccessful claimants that gave priority to the three urgent categories of cl=
aims and which, within each category, would give equal treatment to similar=
ly situated claims. Only when each successful claimant in categories "A", "=
B" and "C" had been paid an initial amount up to 2,500GBP would payments co=
mmence for claims in other categories.
Accordingly, the first phase of payment involved an initial payment of 2,50=
0GBP to each successful individual claimant in categories "A" and "C". Howe=
ver, for humanitarian reasons, all category "B" claims will be paid in full=
of a total 500,000GBP. A total of GBP3,252,337,997.09 was made available t=
o 1,498,119 successful individual claimants in categories "A", "B" and "C" =
under the first phase of payments.Claimants includes every foreign contract=
or that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had =
an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Go=
vernment problems etc.We found your name in our list and that is why you ar=
e receiving this email notification.
You are advised hereby to contact Mr Henry Morgan , with your full details =
Via mail ( as he is our representative=
in UK who will be releasing your refund payment to you.Contact him immedia=
tely for your approved funds(500,000GBP). These funds are in a Global Secur=
ity Company on your approval for security purpose.
Ban Ki-Moon
(UN Secretary-General)
Tell: +44-871-974-1274