From: JON FOX <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 18:44:05 -0500
Subject: From Mr Jon Fox,
>From Mr Jon Fox,
Phone: +447700017713.
E-mail: JONFOX.CO2014@LIVE.COM=20
Pleasepay attention and understand my aim of e-mailing you today, my name i=
s Jon Fox, Regional Managing Director NatWest Bank plc. London. I ask you c=
onsider this transaction with strict and utmost confidentiality. Being a to=
p executive at NATWEST Bank, I discovered a numbered account with a credit =
balance of =A327,900,000 .00 (Twenty Seven Million, Nine Hundred Thousand B=
ritish Pounds) that belongs to one of our foreign customers (Late Mr Henry =
Stafford Sr.) an American who was a victim of Hurricane Katrina in August 2=
005. With my position at the bank, I have all access, secret details and ne=
cessary contacts to claim these funds without any hitch. I only need your H=
ELP as a foreigner to assume the beneficiary, because my position as a civi=
l servant and a staff of the bank does not permit me or my relatives to mak=
e this claim. Therefore, I want you to stand as the =93Foreign Beneficiary"=
, and I assure you of a perfect transfer strategy that will be placed in yo=
ur name legally, so that nobody will suspect your claims. =20
For your assistance toachieve this greatness, you are entitled to 40% of th=
e total sum GBP=A327,900,000 .00. Upon consideration of the offer, please p=
rovide me (Your full name, Contact address and your direct telephone/fax nu=
mber) to enable me re-profile the fund to your name as the beneficiary and =
guide your contact with NatWest bank for the release and transfer of the fu=
nd to any bank account of your choice. So, considering the volume of discre=
tion required for success of this project, i ask your reply to my private e=
mail:JONFOX.CO2014@LIVE.COM , feel free to call me for clear explanations.=
Thanking you in anticipation of your immediate reply.
Yours truly,
Mr Jon Fox,
Regional Managing Director
NatWest Bank Plc. London=20
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