From: 'Mr.Eric Frimpong' <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 06:09:02 +0530
Hello Friend, Please get the patient to read this mail as i explain in full=
.I am indeed glad to be in contact with you even though this medium of comm=
unication (internet) has been grossly abused by criminal minded people maki=
ng it difficult for people with genuine business transaction to correspond =
and exchange views without skepticism.My name is Mr. Eric Frimpong. I am th=
e Operation Manager to a Treasury and Security Firm in West African since p=
ast 2 years.This Institution is affiliated to African Union Diplomatic Orga=
nization(AUDO). Since my promotion to this my office within this period, I =
have watched with meticulous practice on how African Heads of States and Go=
vernment functionaries/Politicians have been using this Institution to move=
out huge sums of Fund(Cash)and mineral resources like Gold & Rough Diamond=
s to their foreign partners/Beneficiaries as CONSIGNMENTS. They bring in th=
ese packaged trunk boxes as confidential family valuables and declares the =
contents as family treasures,African Arts work/Antiquities documents etc wh=
ile our Scan Analyses Report(SAR) shows evidence as Fund(cash),Jewelries,Go=
ld,Diamond. As you may have heard, General Sanni Abacha of Nigeria(Dead); M=
obutu Sese-Seko of Zaire(Dead); Foday Sankoy of Sierra Leone; Charles Taylo=
r of Liberia(Jailed); Babangida of Nigeria; Col.MUAMMAR GADDAFI of Libya(De=
ad) recently, and many others with many foreign contractors and personaliti=
es which their families does not know. All these people have Hundreds of co=
nsignments deposited with our Treasury and Security Institution. Their fore=
ign partners(beneficiaries), friends and relatives are claiming most of the=
se consignments. Many consignments are lying here unclaimed for as much as =
fifteen years and Nobody may ever come for them because in most cases, the =
documents of deposits are never available to anybody except the depositors =
and most of them are dead. Early this January 2014, African Union Diplomati=
c Organization (AUDO) changed the procedure of claims of consignments,it wi=
ll be released to you upon demand. From our records,more than 120 consignme=
nts belonging to late Gen.Sani Abacha/Mobutu Sese-Seko/late Col.MUAMMAR GAD=
DAFI,etc has been claimed within the past one year. This is why I am solici=
ting for your cooperation and partnership to claim two consignment Boxes be=
longing to late Mohammad Saed who was incharge of late Gaddafi secret armor=
y, he died alongside his family during the Libyan Crisis. I have finalized =
every arrangement for you to come and claim consignments No.1200 containing=
US$50 Million Dollars and consignment No.1201 containing 200KG Gold.My dut=
y is to supply you with all information and documents of deposit so that yo=
u can submit the claim to our office for approval. The procedure is simple,=
you will apply officially to the director of operations of my Institution w=
hich i will give you full details for the release of consignment No.1200 an=
d 1201.They will demand some documents and secret codes which I will send t=
o you before time and I will supply you with every detailed information tha=
t you will send to them.As soon as they confirm it to be correct,they will =
invite you for the collection.If you do not want to come to Ghana,you can a=
rrange with them to ship or deliver the consignments to your destination on=
agreement.Please Nobody should ever know I am involved in this deal.I sugg=
est upon conclusion we share 50% to you and 50% to me.At the successful con=
clusion of this deal, and you will assist me to invest my share in your cou=
ntry.I assure you that this business have been hatched for years now,it is =
very secure and 100% risk free. Yours sincer=
ely, Mr. Eric Frimpong=20