From: "Mr. Alfred Musa Hassan" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 18:40:27 GMT
Subject: Dear friend,
Dear friend,
Following complaints received from various unpaid foreign contractors for the past 6years has now been revoked by Federal Republic of Nigeria this measure is to review and pay compensations to the foreign contractors was announced and approved last week Monday by President Goodluck Jonathan to effect the payment of USD15.5M (fifteen million five hundred thousand United States Dollars only) in compensation through prepaid ATM card which will be accessible globally through any VISA ATM machine at a daily withdrawal limit of USD5000.or via an online banking transfer method.
All am asking from you is to emerge as one of the foreign contractors that has not been paid I will comprise your name among the list of payment which you will receive the first payment sum of $750,000.00 as a compensation. Once this transfer is being made you will get 40% of the $750,000.00 that is being paid to your account and I am assuring that you have nothing to be scared of because I have a solid contact and backup here to make this take place. You are to emerge as a foreign contractor from (KIRBY ENERGY COMPANY ,INC.) on an Electrification Project list in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria Year 2007.
This project was carried out by (KIRBY ENERGY COMPANY ,INC.) in the year 2007 location Port Harcourt, Rivers State and it was awarded by the past government we have it noted in our record so you will just be fixed as one of the contractors. I will comprise your name in request to be paid by an online banking transfer. However, you are kindly requested to update me with your details to enable me prove to the board that your one of the foreign contractors, please you are to give these details only if you are interested and ready to do this with me and I assure you of my honesty.
You are free to call or write me and am willing and ready to answer you any of your question if you have one pertaining to this transaction. And note that as soon as I received your updated details I shall commence with submitting of your papers to enable the processing and payment of your compensation take place immediately and I will make sure that I update you continuously on what is going on , Below is my personal email you can reach me there for fast reply and please be noted that over here i will try as much as I can to meet up with any little charges that will occur.
CLAIM FORM:.........................
FULL NAME:..........................
PHONE NUMBER:.......................
OTHER NAMES:........................
DATE OF BIRTH:......................
PAYMENT OPTION .....................
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Alfred Musa Hassan
Phone: +2348032325788
Office Email:( )
Personal Email:( )
Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) - HEADQUARTER OFFICE
PMB: 5253, 167 Aba Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria
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