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"419" Scam – Advance Fee / Fake Lottery Scam

The so-called "419" scam is a type of fraud dominated by criminals from Nigeria and other countries in Africa. Victims of the scam are promised a large amount of money, such as a lottery prize, inheritance, money sitting in some bank account, etc.

Victims never receive this non-existent fortune but are tricked into sending their money to the criminals, who remain anonymous. They hide their real identity and location by using fake names and fake postal addresses as well as communicating via anonymous free email accounts and mobile phones.

Keep in mind that scammers DO NOT use their real names when defrauding people.
The criminals either abuse names of real people or companies or invent names or addresses.
Any real people or companies mentioned below have NO CONNECTION to the scammers!

Read more about such scams here or in our 419 FAQ. Use the Scam-O-Matic to verify suspect emails.

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Some comments by the Scam-O-Matic about the following email:

Fraud email example:

From: "Sarah Roselina" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 15:58:07 -0300


This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract file
presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your
payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the
obligations giving to you in respect to your contract payment.

Secondly, you are hereby advised to stop dealing with some non-officials
in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish
to receive your payment After the Board of directors meeting held in
Abuja,we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem.

We have arranged your payment through our ATM CARD PAYMENT CENTER in
Europe ,America, Africa and Asia Pacific ,This is part of an
instruction/mandate passed by the Senate in respect to overseas contract
payment and debt re-scheduling.

We will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money via
ATM MACHINE in any part of the world,and the maximum daily limit is
Fifteen Thousand United States Dollars($15,000.00) valued sum at Five
Million United States Dollars {$5,000,000.00}.

If you desire to receive your fund this way,Kindly re-confirm your :

Your name: .......................
Address: ............................
Country: ...............................
State: ....................................
Nearest Airport to your destination: .........................
Age: .................................
Sex: .................................
Occupation: .............................
Direct Phone Number: ...................
You will find below the person to contact regarding your ATM Card.

Name: Mr.Mark Femi.
Email: (
Cell phone , +234-80-33-631-676 Make sure you call him .

We shall be expecting to receive your information as you have to stop any

communication with anybody or officer.

Thanks for your co-operation.

Anti-fraud resources: