From: Bintu C Justin Yak <>
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2013 19:35:42 +0000
Subject: Hello Dear
Hello My Dear,
Thank you very much for your response,I really appreciate your
response to my mail and your willingness to help me out of this
critical situation. honestly ever since i sent this mail to you my
heart heard being so occupied with fear if my situation will torch you
to come for my rescue, All that i have told you is the real life am
passing through right now and i will like you to keep it very private
and confidential.Like i wrote before Presently i am now in Burkina
Faso where i am seeking assylum with St John's Mission refugee Camp
After i escaped to burkina faso were my late father deposited this
fund to see if i could withdraw to take care of my education just as
earlier had explained to you on my arrival to present the document i
have here with me it was viewed and the bank manager explained to me
that my late father left some instruction with their bank that on the
condition that i am married or should present a trust worthy person to
help me get this into a very lucrative business venture that the money
should not be released. honestly i lost my ground and left and just
about to be frustrated i found this Mission as i went in to explain to
the Rev priest i met in person, after long explanation he had pity on
me and took me inn as one of them. after words he followed me to the
bank for his own confirmation. which he confirmed and allowed me gain
access to his office computer to access my mail twice each day. at
present i don't have a personal telephone but i know you will wish to
speak with me on phone, please you can simply reach me through the
direct telephone number of the Rev Father Dennis. +226 64265556,
please when you call tell him that you will wish to speak with me
Aniccet Justin from Sudan. i am honestly passing through a very
difficult time here.
I can not make this claims by myself that is why i decided to make
this contact with you so that you will stand on my behalf to the Bank
as my trustee because of my status here being a refugee, help me
invest it and also relocate me to join you over there to start up a
new living altogether.
I have my fathers death certificate and the deposit certificate as
prove for the existence of this fund, i need your seriousness and your
sincerity in seeing me through in this situation believing that you
will not betray my trust on you.
I have some important questions to ask you, the question are below:
1,Can you visit me here In Burkina Faso, maybe after you have forward
the application letter to my Father's Bank?
2,Your full name and Your Telephone number for easy communication.
As soon as I receive your message and notes your readiness then I will
forward the bank contact to you and the Account Details Which You Will
forward to the Bank as my trustee.
I have attached to this mail my picture for your view and now i will
like you to send yours to me as well.
I'm waiting to hear from you urgently,
Thanks for your understanding and your willingness God bless...
Bint C Justin Yak.