Former Economic and Financial Crime-
Commission (EFCC) Chairperson/Boss
Seattle Washington State-USA.
Phone: (509) 671-9132
Date: 12/10/ 2013
Attn: To Whom It May Concern,
How are you today? Why have you not been able to update us on the status of the $750,000.00 assigned to you by my wife Mrs. Farida M. Waziri as a payment for compensating you for all the lie, cheat & trouble's she subjected you in the past during her tenor as Nigeria (ECC Boss) on which she confessed after been baptized by Bishop Joseph Tyson (Catholic Diocese of Yakima) as been influenced by the corrupt politicians there in Nigeria making her go against her wishes when she betray God & mankind as a result of greed attitude she adopted.
Be informed that your silence in this matter is not helping Me Mr. Benjamin Waziri or my wife who has been critically ill here in University of Washington medical center. For you information dear, even at my wife critical condition she has not stop asking almost on daily basis the status of the transfer.
I therefore, wish to be beg you in the name of God Almighty to finds a place in your heart to forgive my wife of all her atrocities towards you so God could forgive her & probably heal her disease as we all strongly believed that her present ailment has some trace with the evil she has committed against you going by the fact that a lot of diagnosis had already been carried on her by the physicians here but still could not ascertain the cause of her ailment which made them to declared that my wife ailment is spiritual.
Please kindly notify us if the fund had already been received so I could notify her on this. And for God sake, please don't cease praying for my wife survival as she is all I got in this whole World and that is why I am written you this email in tears and pray you adhere to my request by feeling my pains/anguish.
I await your urgent response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Benjamin Waziri on behalf of my wife>
Mrs. Farida Mzaber Waziri,
Nigeria (EFCC) Ex Boss/Chairperson.