Dear friend
My name is Mrs. Shirley Godwin the wife of Joseph Nana Godwin from Zimbabwe . I got your email address from the Online search when I was desperately looking for a
trust-worthy person to assist my son who is currently residing in South Africa , so I decided to contact you.
During the current war against the farmers in Zimbabwe from the supporters of our President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white-owned farms to his party members and
his followers, he ordered all the white farmers to surrender their farms to his party members.
My husband was one of the best farmer in our country that have 18 white people as workers and export directors that export FOOD STUFF to SOUTH AFRICA, ZIMBIA,DRC
CONGO,ANGOLA AND KENYA this is why my husband did not support Mugabe’s ideas, so Mugabe’s supporters invaded my husband farm and burnt everything in the farm, killing
my husband and made away with a lot of items in my husband farm.
but Before his death, my husband has concluded arrangement to buy 12,000 hacters of land in South Africa and many heavy duty machinery to start a new farm that year.
All the arrangement for p a y m e n t for the land was concluded but the b a n k in Zimbabwe was instructed by our President Robert Mugabe to stop oversea t r a n s f
e r of f u n d , he did this because many white people are t r a n s f e r r i n g there hard earn m o n e y out of the country. because of this my husband contacted a
security company in south Africa that have a branch in Zimbabwe to move the m o n e y to south Africa as a family t r e a s u r y in my name.The a m o u n t of the m o n e y
d e p o s i t e d with the Security Company in Johannesburg , South Africa is as a family t r e a s u r y $17.3M in clean cash. But the security company did not no the
content of the box. After the death of my husband, my son decided to move out of our country to South Africa to look for person that will help him but i ask him to
stop let me send you this email first.
Please why I am contacting you is to assist my son to move this m o n e y out of South Africa . We have agreed to offer you 30percent of the total sum for your
while 70percent will be for my family investment in your country. I believe that with your help we will invest it in a good business.
All I want you to do now is to me if you are ready to help my son then i will give you his contact details in south africa so that you can conclude this business with
him in south africa.
Waiting for your urgent response.
Best Regards.
Mrs. Shirley Godwin
For the Family