From: Justina Morgan <>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 13:50:53 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Hello From Miss Justina Morgan
You may be surprised
to receive
this letter from me since you do not know me personally.I am miss
Justina Morgan,the only child of Dr.George Morgan,my families was
murdered in the farm land crisis dispute in our country Swaziland.I am
writing from (Senegalaise) where i currently based and Before the death
of my father,he deposit the sum of (US$3.9M) Three million,nine hundred
thousand United States dollars in a Finance Company.Maybe he for-saw the looming danger in the Swaziland.
This money was initially meant to purchase new machines and chemicals
for the farms and also to establish a new farm in the Kenya.The farm
land problem came when the government of Swaziland,introduced a new
Government decree/act that,affected a lot of Citizens and The
masses.This resulted to mob action and killings by Swaziland crisis
Veterans and some Lunatics in the society, so to say.
In fact,a lot of people were killed in the farm land reform act and I
have consulted they finance company about my father money also to
transfer the money out of their custody to any of my foreign partner
abroad since I cannot handle the money
I know that you are a good person with good heart and I know that you
can help me out.
Please Email me and Let me know your tought toward this matter to enable
us proceed on it.
Miss Justina Morgan