International Monetary Fund
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220
Phone Number:+1330 970 7471
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
File Code No: IMF/2104/013
Message To; Sole Beneficiary,
I am Mr. Jones Robinson Director in charge of the compensation funds to scam victims from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondence on the uneasy way which people ike you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies across Europe to Africa and Asia and we have decided to
put a stop to that and that is why the IMF was appointed to monitor yourtransaction here in Africa and Europe from the (IMF) that your compensation funds gets to you.
You are being contacted today (26th of November 2013) because we have taken time to review your online email communication messages relating to your unsuccessful transactions with most international lottery/contract award winning organizations, firms and other foreign financial institutions. Conclusively, we discovered that most withheld and/or unpaid funds which originated from lottery organizations, international trading company's awarded contract funds and deceased personnel were not properly applied for an international fund payment to its beneficiary's account by the fund beneficiary approved to receive such funds.
In view of the above, we have immensely sorted out issues with the regional financial units in charge of your transaction and our extensive investigation confirmed that you are the true beneficiary shortlisted and approved to receive an outstanding sum of $1.500,000.00 USD (One Million Five Hundred United States Dollars).
TELEPHONE NUMBER:....................................
Please note that if you did not authorize anyone to claim your funds, kindly notify us immediately by providing your present residential address for document postal delivery and also provide a scanned copy of any identification document such as your driver's license to enable us process your application for payment immediately. Also note that failure to properly apply for your fund payment through our assistance will nullify your chances of receiving your fund and this fund will be confiscated and made to be forfeited under the Money Laundering and Other Financial Crime Prohibition Act of 2003.
Yours sincerely,
Jones Robinson
Director In Charge,
International Monetary Fund (IMF)