United Nations Trust Funds
Switzerland Department of Humanitarian Affairs
Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in conjunction with the society for family health (SFH)and the European Union(EU)We have verified your Unclaims funds and found out why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled the obligation given to you in respect of your Unclaims payment. Secondly we have been inform that you are still dealing with the none officials in the bank/Custom Office/Courier Companies making your attempt to secure the release of the funds to you.
We wish to advise you that such an illegal act like these have to stop that if you wish to receive your Unclaims funds, since we decided to bring a solution to your problem, right now we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment center ASIA Pacific that is the instruction from Mr. President (GCFR).President of ECOWAS,and FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATORS (FBI), WASHINGTON DC. ROOM 7367J. EDGAR HOOVER FBI BUILDING 935 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON DC 20535 MR.ROBERT MUELLER.
Note that the actual funds are valued $10. MILLION USD and the president made a compensation fund release for all unpaid beneficiary valued at $8.000, 000.00USD each, for lucky beneficiary like you. To promote our global publicity and reputations as we plan to exploit more corners of the world. This promotion is just one various ways we are presently using to achieve this global vision of ours beloved victim. So if you like to receive your funds this way please let us know by contacting the International Monetary Fund's Department Card Payment Center.
Name: Rev Sephen Carlos
When contacting the claims Officer you should include the following information stated below
Full Names.
Phone and Fax Number:
Home addresses were you want them to send the ATM Card to:
Your Age,
Current Occupation:
The ATM Card Payment Center has been mandated to issue out {USD
$8.MILLION DOLLARS} for this fiscal year 2013 for lucky winners like you. Also for your information, you have to stop any further communications with any other person (S) or Office(S) to avoid any hitches in receiving your funds.
Special greetings from the entire Staffs of United Nations
Trust Funds Worldwide.
Ban Ki-moon.
www. http://www.unfoundation.org/