From: Kevin Wheeling <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 23:24:35 +0000
Subject: Your Attention Please
Dear Sir,
Firstly, I must solicit your confidence in this project; the issue I want to unravel to you is much classified and sensitive one, it may be very difficult for you to comprehend due to what is going on negatively on the internet world globally, but it certainly the truth. I urge you to give it a trial for our own benefit. I am Mr. Kevin Wheeling, I represent a late holocaust survivor and real estate developer in the United States, though he is late now; I have a very sensitive and private brief from him before his death to ask for your partnership to re-profile funds over US$52.7M I will give the details, but in summary, the funds are coming via a Financial Institution. This is a legitimate transaction but desire the highest *CONFIDENTIALITY*. I am seeking for your assistance to have you receive this money left behind before it will be confiscated or declared un-serviceable by the Finance Company. If you are interested, you will be pay percentage we will be both agree. Please write back immediately and I will provide brief details of the deceased and deal. Please keep this brief close to your chest as much as possible; we cannot afford any problems with the United States Government and its allies as a result of the re-profiling of THESE FUNDS. In Confidence,Mr. Kevin WheelingE-mail: