From: "Dr.Edson William" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 03:55:26 +0000
Subject: Contact Our Diplomatic Agent For The Delivery Of Your ATM CARD
Greetings To You Dear Valued Customer !
We have finally succeeded in getting your package worth of $3.6million out of delivery your ATM CARD with the help of Mr Chris Douglas Attorney General of Federal High Court of Justice BENIN REPUBLIC which act as your foreign Attorney representative here in BENIN REPUBLIC, is a yearly award been giving to you by the government of this country it happens that your email is list out as the winner.
Your Diplomatic Agent that is In-charge of your Delivery is Currently at Texas International Airport United State Of America, With Your ATM Worth $3.6million Dollars, But Unfortunately he Lost Your Address, when the Airport Authorities Was Searching Him, so Provide Your Information's to him, such as: Your Full Name, Current Address, Your Nearest Airport, Your Tele & fax
Numbers, Country, so that he can be able to complete the delivery today.
Agent Name: Mr Douglas Lee
The Agent Email is:
Also Call Him At (806) 341-9280
Thanks You, From Dr.Edson William
Number +229 67364087
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