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Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:21:01 +0530
I am Troks Williams one of the accountants of HSBC Bank, London, United Ki=
ngdom. On the 2nd of January 2005, I received a call that one of my clients=
died in the Tsunami Disaster with his wife and only child while on vacatio=
n at Phuket Island in Thailand. Since then I have made several enquiries to=
locate any of my client's extended relatives and until date and have not s=
ucceeded. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money left beh=
ind by my client before it gets confiscated by our bank or declared unservi=
ceable by our bank where this deposit is lodged, now that the bank Director=
s have called for a board meeting regarding this Fund. My main motive right=
now is to share this great opportunity with you by presenting you as the N=
ext of Kin to the Deceased since all his banking details are with me as his=
personal Account Officer. And the deceased Account valued at US$17.5M. Sin=
ce I have been unsuccessful in locating the biological relatives of my late=
client, I hereby seek your consent to present you to the bank as next-of-k=
in of the deceased since you are a foreigner, so that the proceeds of this =
account valued at US$17.5M can be transferred to you as inheritance and the=
reafter, you and I can share the money; 50% to me and 40% to you, while 10%=
will be donated to the Tsunami Disaster Charity Fund. We shall start the f=
irst transfer with US$5,000.000.00 (Five Million United States Dollars only=
), upon the successful actualization of the first transfer without any disa=
ppointment from your side, we shall re-apply for the payment of the remaini=
ng amount to your account. I have the original copy of Certificate of Depos=
it of the funds, which will be used to substantiate our inheritance claims.=
All I require is your consent and honest co-operation to enable us see the=
deal through. Furthermore, I guarantee that the transaction will be execut=
ed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of =
the law. Please contact me if you are interested immediately to enable us c=
ommence the transaction. Best regards, Troks Williams . we can heal the wor=
ld with just a little love and a little smile.