Attention: Extreme customer.
Having considered your inability to clear your package (ATM CARD) containing $7.5 which have been long on hold at Colorado for about two months ago therefore, I am delighted whole heatedly to inform you that after our board meetings last weekend regarding your long over due delivery of your ATM card with Nigeria branch, we arrive at the conclusion to send an agent from Fedral Republic of Nigeria to USA who will come and clear the package for you and get it delivered to you safely without further delay.
Before I further explain to you here is your proposed tracking details to your package which has been long conveyed to Colorado from our Victoria Island branch due to misplace of current delivery address. You can track your package now on our official website:
Tracking Number: 875785911423
The above is the tracking details to your package (ATM CARD) so you can track it online now by yourself to understand better and you are to reconfirm your current delivery address to the agent such as:
House address:
Office address:
Direct cell and mobile telephone number:
A copy of your ID
The above is the information you will have to reconfirm to the agent immediately because he is currently at New York now to make delivery to one of our client and will soon fly to Colorado for your own package clearance and final delivery to you therefore you are to contact him with below contact info:
Contact him with the above contact details meanwhile note you will have to pay the sum of $195 for the OFFICIAL CLEARANCE WARRANT which we will obtain here in
Federal Republic of Nigeria the parcel origin of which he will use to clear the package once he get to Colorado without more interrogation or delay because we don�t want him to stay long on that delivery to you therefore you are advise to kindly comply with us by sending across the $195 which is the only payment you will have to pay on this transaction to get your ATM Card cleared and delivered to you safely. You are to send the fee right away with the below cashier information over here in Federal Republic of Nigeria via Western Union or Money Gram and get back to us with your western union payment details for us to rush and get the OFFICIAL CLEARANCE WARRANT obtained and forwarded to him before he will arrive to Colorado after completing a delivery to our client in New York.
Send the $195 immediately with below cashier information:
Receivers Name: Aminu Ekundayo
Country: Federal Republic of Nigeria
City: Victoria Island
Test Question: When
Answer: Soon
Amount: $195 only
Note: the $195 is the only needed fee from you to enable our agent complete your delivery to you safely without delay therefore we want you to comply with us as a matter of urgent, send the required $195 with the above cashier name Aminu Ekundayo and get back to us immediately with your western union payment details so that Nelson Mark will arrive your shoe today with your packaged ATM card once we forward the OFFICIAL CLEARANCE WARRANT to him because that is the only delay to your delivery now. We are highly submitted and willing to serve you better whole-heatedly. Highly Submitted.
Respectfully Yours in-service,
MR. Mike Valentine