From: Donald Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 07:50:11 -0300
Subject: Partnership from Mr. Donald.
PARTNERSHIP BUSINESS /CONFIDENTIAL Banque Atlantique Cote D’Ivoire (BA-CI). Avenue du Général de Gaulle Plateau 04 BP 1036 Abidjan 04 Cote D’Ivoire , Swift: ATCICIAB Telex: 23834 BANKAT.
Dear Friend,
My name is Donald Mitchell, personal account manager to late Engineer (Alexander Pinto), a nationality of your country who worked with the Petro Chemical Company and died as a result of an Industrial accident here in Abidjan Cote D’Ivoire. I am soliciting your assistance to come forward as the Next of Kin for the procuring of an outstanding sum of US$9.5 Million, (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) which has been lying idle in a trust account with our bank.
The account balance as at today stands at US$9.5 Million, (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) with A/c N° Ba-Ci-0028101965, Swift-Code: BACSSS-TT 005, however, prior to the death of my client Engr. Pinto, he has instructed the bank's
director to make transfer arrangements of the said fund with one of his (FOREIGN) banks for his up keeping as he was about to relocate back to his country due to the financial instabilities as a result of the past political crisis then in the country and owing to the circumstances surrounding his death, the transfer arrangements was suspended and since then no one has come forward to claim this fund.I have made some investigations and discovered that my deceased client Pinto did not declare any next of kin in his bank official documents.
Thus, i decided to look for a foreign partner who will be capable to receive these funds in his or her bank account overseas as the Next of Kin, since the funds has overstayed and due for recovery otherwise be covered by the bank as an unclaimed bill and be returned to the government treasury volt for their usage. There is no risk involved in this deal since it will be a secret between both of us, everything will be executed und
er a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and i from any breach of the law and with me the personal account manager to the deceased, i am going to help in nominating you the beneficiary / Next of Kin to the deposit as i will be contacted by the bank committee for confirmation which i will confirm you as the rightful beneficiary and the money will be released to us on your behalf, i shall be willing to share in the ratio of 50/50% with you after the successful transfer of the funds into any of your nominated bank account overseas.
Thanks in anticipation of your urgent favorable response with your complete contact information’s for more details.
Mr. Donald.