From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 21:39:41 +0200
Subject: Tip fra Karen Ruth Uelly Mangi: Working in Denmark (Arbejde i Danmark)
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Besked til dig fra Karen Ruth Uelly Mangi:
Greetings From Karen R. U. Mangi.
2 Sunning Hill, Sandton.
Johannesburg-South Africa.
Greetings to you.
With due respect, trust and humility, I write you this proposal which I believe, would be of great interest to you and for your consideration, and I also apologize for intruding into your email address because I know that this e-mail will come to you as a surprise, but however strange or surprising, this contact might seem to you as we have not met personally or had any dealings in the past, to this effect, I humbly ask that you take due consideration of its importance and immense benefit it will be to both of us.
My Name Is Karen Mangi, a Zimbabwean female studying Medicine in the University of Johannesburg in South Africa.
Few years ago, the Rebels in my country struck our town and killed my parents in one of their attacks. My late Father, Jonathan Mangi, being a highly reputable doctor and politician in my country was a prime target. Fortunately for me, I wasn't in the country when the attack took place rather I was in school here in South Africa.
However, my life is still in danger! Before his death, he had deposited a sum of $9million in one of the banks here in South Africa which he had earlier confided in me was for the establishment of a medical establishment oversees.
And that is to establish a medical institute in a foreign country, with your kind. He wanted me to practice out of my country because of the unpredictable and serious political crises.
Accordingly, I intend to invest in your country in the direction that my father had indicated before his death. This is my reason for writing to you. If you are willing to assist me please indicate your interest.
Please if you have any question, I will be too willing to answer it. Please treat as confidential.
Thanks and best regards.
Miss Karen Ruth Uelly Mangi
Karen Ruth Uelly Mangi
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