From: emelina gouda <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 16:11:31 +0100
Subject: From Emelina Gouda, Awaiting your Reply
Compliments of the Season!
I want you to read this mail carefully so as to understand the reason
why i contact you.My name is Emelina Gouda, married to late Mr. Luke
Gouda. My late husband invested heavily in coffee and cocoa which is
the major source of revenue in this country. But trouble began when my
late husband's business partners got envious and began to suspect that
he is not giving proper accounts of all the tonnes of coffee and cocoa
being produced by local farmers in some villages. As a result of this
and the envy on his wealth, they conspired with the rebels and
assassinated him during the heat of the civil war in this country last
2 years. He was killed when the rebels overran the West of the country
where we took refuge.
After they killed him and the entire family with many other villagers
in the massacre, I followed other people and fled with my our only
daughter to a refugee camp in the border town between Cote'd'ivoire
and Ghana until the end of the war. But before the start of the war,
he has a deposit of three million, five hundred thousand United State
dollars in a bank here in Cote d'Ivoire which we could have used to
travel abroad and flee the war but because of banks closure without
notice well before the start of the war. We were unable to withdraw
the money hence our reason for staying behind.
But i have decided to donate some of this money to charity after i
learned from my doctor that i am going to live for few time since i am
suffering from a terminal illness, acute myeloid leukemia. I took this
decision knowing quiet well that I have a child that will inherit this
money but she cannot carry out this work because she is still a child
of 17years.I will want you to help me receive this money in your
account and use it according to the instructions i will give you
later. I will reward you abundantly because every good work has a
reward. As soon as I receive your reply I will give you other details.
I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as
the new beneficiary of this money.
I will compensate you greatly for your kind assistance.May the
Almighty God bless you as i wait for your reply.
Mrs. Emelina Gouda