From: "Mr. STeven Clayton" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:04:32 +0530
Subject: Western Union Money Transfer@Pickup Your Installment First Payment.
Western Union Money Transfer@ Western Union Agent: Email:westernnn7@gmail.c=
rstly, I must start by apologizing for the delay in response to you and for=
not contacting you since the begining of the new year. This email is comin=
g to you in regards to your fund that you have been unable to claim due to =
your lack of co-operation in the past. This organization has decided to mak=
e it know to you that the funds in your ATM been cleared into an screw acco=
unt and that you will be receiving your fund through the fastest means of m=
oney transfer in the world. Since you have not been able to claim you fund =
that has been with us for a very long time, we have to call back your ATM C=
ARD and make arrangement alternatively to transfer your fund instrumentally=
through Western Union Money Transfer here today which has been programmed =
to be transferred understatement at rate of $5,500 daily as Western Union l=
aws here does not allow transferring funds above $5,500 at once from this c=
ountry to another, but we will be sending under installment of $5,500 daily=
till the amount of $2.5 Million usd is completely Paid to you as the benef=
iciary of the ATM CARD in question. In other words, We have today transferr=
ed your first instalment payment ( $5,500) available for your pickup at any=
western union office nearest to you, but still on hold due to the unpaid e=
ndorsement & daily activation file fee amount of $250.00 that you are suppo=
sed to pay before your daily transfer will be made available to you. You wi=
ll pickup the bellow installment at any western union office nearest to you=
with bellow information's as soon as you submit the $250 endorsement & dai=
ly activation file fee. You can track your first instalment payment with th=
e Western Union tracking number 1-800-325-6000 or through the western union=
global website so as for you to know that the money is available for pick =
up (but will not be released to you without the activation fee of $250). Yo=
ur Payment Details MTCN:7881645629 SENDERS NAME...Christopher Udumaga SENDE=
RS COUNTRY... Johannesburg =96 South Africa TEXT QUESTION.... IN GOD TEXT A=
NS... WE TRUST AMOUNT... $5,500.00. The endorsement & daily activation file=
fee of $250 should be sent to our office here in care to our accounting of=
ficer through Western Union Money Transfer nearest to you or Money Gram. Yo=
u are to send the endorsement activation charges with the information below=
. Receivers Name: Joseph Olotewo Address: Johannesburg =96 South Africa Amo=
unt: $250 Text Question: Western. Answer: Union. As soon as you send the fe=
e, send us the transfer Mtcn/Reference # to help us proceed with immediate =
transfer activation of your first installment payment Notice: This preferen=
ce is being given to you to our good name and also to make sure we get your=
fund paid to you with no complication of things or delay. Note: the Activa=
tion Fees could not be deducted from the fund in the ATM CARD as we have no=
access to the fund due to the Fact that it was placed in an escrew account=
Please submit your Activation charges with the name of our accounting offi=
cer as given to you and get back to this office with details of your paymen=
t for further actions here. To avoid complication of things, you are advise=
to treat this payment as urgent as possible so we can proceed with the act=
ivation of your first installment so you can get it picked up in any neares=
t Western Union Money Transfer outlet near you on time to avoid any interne=
t scam hacking of the Mtcn that is given to you above. Treat As Urgent and =
get back to this office with receipt of your payment for fast procedures he=
re. Thanking you for your Anticipated Co-operations. Respectfully Yours. Mr=
. STeven Clayton. Payment Department Federal Ministry of Finance Inconjucti=
on with Western Union Office Motto: In God We Trust!!=20