Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 20:16:30 +0900
Subject: GOOD DAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
ON. ATTN: SIR/MA. I am ENGR. SAMUEL BABATUNDE, a native of ondo state in Ni=
geria and I am an Executive Director Operations with the Nigeria national p=
etroleum corporation First and Foremost my apology, for using this medium t=
o reach you, for a transaction/business of this nature. Be informed that a =
member of the Nigeria National petroleum corporation (NNPC) who was at the =
Government delegation to your country during a trade exhibition gave your e=
nviable Credentials/particulars to me. I have decided to seek a confidentia=
l cooperation with you in the execution of the deal described hereunder for=
the benefit of All parties and hope you will keep it as a top secret becau=
se of the nature of this transaction. Within the department of NNPC where I=
work as an executive director with the cooperation of four other top offic=
ials, we have in our possession as overdue payments bills totaling Fifty Mi=
llion, five Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars ($50,500,000.00) which we want to =
transfer abroad with the assistance and Cooperation of a foreign company/in=
dividual to receive the said funds on our behalf or a reliable foreign comp=
any account to receive such funds. Moreso, we Are handicapped in the circum=
stances as the Nigeria Code of Conduct does not allow us to operate offshor=
e account hence your importance in the whole Transaction. This amount $50.5=
m represents the balance of the total contract value executed on behalf of =
my department by a foreign contracting firm which the Officials over-invoic=
ed deliberately though the actual contract cost have been paid to the origi=
nal contractor leaving the balance in the tune of the said Amount which we =
have in principles gotten approval to remit by Telegraphic transfer (TT) to=
any foreign bank account you will provide by filing in an Application thro=
ugh the Justice Ministry here in Nigeria for the transfer of rights and pri=
vileges of the former contractor to you. I have the authority of my partner=
s involved to propose that should you be willing to assist us in the transa=
ction your share of the sum will be 30% of the $50.5 million, 60% for us an=
d 10% for taxation and miscellaneous expenses. The business itself is 100% =
safe, on your part provided you treat it with utmost Secrecy and confidenti=
ality. Also your area of specialization is not a hindrance to the successfu=
l execution of this transaction. I have reposed my Confidence in you and ho=
pe that you will not disappoint me. Endeavour to contact me immediately thr=
ough my above Tel. or mail Address whether or not you are interested in thi=
s deal. If you are not, it will enable me Scout for another foreign partner=
to carry out this deal. I want to assure you that my partners and I are in=
a position to make the payment of this Claim possible provided you can giv=
e us a very strong assurance and guarantee that our share will be secured a=
nd please remember to treat this matter as very Confidential, because we wi=
ll not comprehend with any form of exposure as we are still in active Gover=
nment Service and remember once again that time is of The essence in this b=
usiness. Foremore information about me, go through our website;http://nnpcg= I wait in anticipation of your=
fullest co-operation. Yours faithfully, ENGR. SAMUEL BABATUNDE Executive D=
irector Operations (NNPC).