From: "Deborah HENDRICKS" <> (may be fake)
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 04:53:10 +0300
Subject: Hello
Let me first apologize for this intrusion into your life even if its very
important to me.
I'm Ms.Deborah HENDRICKS by name, I am from Dunbar- Scotland, ex-director
of an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), a graduate of HCS (High Study
of Commerce).
I was diagnoses cancer for about 22 months, meaning O-esophageal cancer
has been detected and unfortunately my doctor informed me that I'm in
Phase IV, that is to say that I'll not survive it.
During the progression of my disease, I sold all my late husband (business
renovation construction company auctions) in LONDON where I lives for over
23 years before he died.
The reason for my message is that I lost my only son, my sole heir in a
plane crash last year, I made arrangements for my money (from the sales of
my late husband business, exactly the sum of Fourteen million three
hundred and thirty four thousand pounds(GBP14.334 Million pounds).
The reason why I contact you is because I am against the fact that my
funds remain the property of the foreign corrupt government, I prefer it
to be used to acts beneficial to the evolution of the world or perform of
humanitarian acts, to help the needy people who suffer from hunger and
extreme poverty in Africa such as Somalia who cross an enormous
humanitarian crisis, I believe strongly that by this act my son and I are
being welcomed into the heavenly kingdom.
I am well aware of what I propose and I ask for nothing.
Being assured of being in front of a responsible person and liver right,
please contact me as soon as possible to enable me direct you on what to
do to receive my fortune for humanitarian purpose.