From: Mr.Wang <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 00:58:47 +0800
Subject: China auto manufacturer invest Chain's Auto assembling plant project and search local suitable partner in developing country
Dear Sir or Madam,
How are you !
We are an overseas marketing investment development Dept of China Big Science & Development(Group), a professional China Auto development and Manufacturer. Our auto products include passemgee cars, buses, Van,pickup, SUV, truck series,electric car, classical mini moke car series and tricycle,CNG two wheel motorcycle. cooperation way is include joint venture cooperation,turnkey project model,cooperation agreement,trade cooperation Partner
and so on.... Please check the catalogue in attachment. in fact, our group had have many oversea auto assemble plant, these plant is local in Syria, Nepal, Egypt and Latin America.....Joint investment principle is to achieve a win-win situation.
Partner requirements of joint venture term:
1, have some economic strength, the investment capacity over one million dollars.
2, have over 3000M2 workshop + over 10000M land.
3, have car sales channel web or car garage/remanufacturing second-hand car, or with the car related business
4, Your country import tariff policy nice, CBU (completely assembly automobile) import tariff is difference over auto spare part CKD(completely knocked down) 30%. such as import tariff CBU term 35%,CKD term 5% only.
If your company can meet above 2-3 term, please you fill in enclosure questionnaire, we will discuss investment or conditions for cooperation, base on questionnaired message.
if your company have not meet above requested economic strength, our cooperation way will arrange from trade starting then Positive Create Term, step by step develop to auto assemble plant, if you have any nice advice, let us know.
A, How cooperate with us : We search developing country parter of local assemble China auto:Truck,Pickup,SUV,Car,Van,bus by joint ventures collaborative model or Turn key project model. The usual cooperation procedure is from premier trade develop to assembly auto SKD term suite, step by step develop to assemble Auto CKD suite, From the simple auto model( light truck, pickup) began gradually assembly complex auto model (Van,Suv, Saloon car, Bus,lorry.....) Of course, if both cooperative parties confident about local market, be willing to take risks venture, also can start direct investment establish auto assembly plants.
B, Relevant background information:
China technology of automobile industry has been greatly improved, Auto output had been over twenty-five millions units in 2010, China market quantity demanded is just about Eighteen millions units only, set up oversea auto assemble is development inevitable trend, China is already is the first Auto manufacturer in the world. China government encourage China enterprise to open oversea markets and increase oversea investments. The goverment offer favorable policies. Our group board of directors make a relative decision of building 10 auto factories on the world in the future. the africa will be arrange three auto assemble plant, thoes factories are located in east Africa, west Africa and north Africa. our investment scale of each factory arrange invest 1-2 million USD, which investment will deliver to project step by step, At the same time China nation development bank and Chinese import & export bank may give us credit line. It is a good chance for our development of oversea market. I hope you can catch it and speed up the project schedule. In order to be confident to our cooperation.
C. Market analysis of the auto assemble plant by Turn Key Project and Joint Venture model
1. Definition of our Turn Key Project
The turn key project is aiming at offering you an easy and quick approach to enter the automobile industry, we will help you to establish an assembly factory and provide you automobile parts for assembling first, we export parts to your side under SKD or CKD in order that great much cost will be cutted, we help you design and build up the assembly plant as well as provide you necassery and detailed technology assistance till you master all required technologies and be capable to make vehicles on your own totally, in general, this project is a great and convenient way for investors to enter a promising automobile industry with comparatively much smaller investment (1/10-1/20 of the traditional automobile plant ).
2. Outstanding convenience for business operation
a. Since the farming vehicles are greatly supported by many countries and many preferential policies are being applied such as reduction of tariffs and various taxations and other advantageous strategies included.
b. By SKD even CKD transportation method you can save much transpotation fee, a 40HQ container can load 14-16 units by SKD or 30 units by CKD multi-function farming trucks.
c.You can start to do SKD first and then after the maturity of that you can either to choose to enlarge your scale and use CKD to reduce cost further or choose to make other vehicle types such us car,SUV and pickup, from then on you will truly enter the automobile industry.
D. Developing-country type mini truck,pickup Characteristics
1, Developing-country performance is good chassis strong and durable. fit africa and developing country road.
2, Export packing amount is large, save freight cost assemble simple,
3, local assemble very simple,and invest very small. please you look equipment budget list in enclosure.
E. Price list(Quotion price is valid for 30 days, today is MAY15th, 2012, RBM:USD= 6.2 : 1)
1, Please refer to the price of Bigmt 6480 gasoline engine mini bus 12+3+1driver Seat as following
2, SUV and Pickup series
3, New edition Bigmt Mini Moke (taxi ) Car : ansmission 5+1
4, Mini & light truck series 4 units ; SKD: 5 units ; CKD: 14 units.
5, Dump trucks, and heavy trucks series. we glad to provide credit or invest,our cooperation fron trade developing to assemble produce by SKD,CKD in local joint venture plant.
6, bus series: if you interest in bus series, please you inform us your order detail request, we will deliver catalogue and offer list.
follow arrange is Capital USD50-100 thousands development plan:
1, Due to use SKD, CKD manage, the freight and customs duty is better low,Capital USD50-100 thousands may order 1-2 container goods(14-32 units super mini truck) products have very strong competitive strength
2, when you had developed market, and finish your primary accumulation, you can operate CKD, we will supply all help, you can set up a small truck assemble plant and your 4S shop.
3, If you have mini truck assemble plant, we will very easily rise you products, such as assemble pickup, suv, car,bus ....we had have successful experience
If you have any advice or question, please inform us without hesitation.
4, One cabin, two cabin Pickup may rise to SUV, which rise cost very small, it is add some Body jointing welding fixture only.
If you have any advice,please you inform us as soon as possible !
Regards &thanks
please reply to three E-mail box at the same time); ; ;Mr.Weilin Wang (General manager of oversea market investment & development Dept.and Group directors)
Oversea market investment & development Dept.of China Big Science & Technology Development (Group) Co., Limited
Brilliance China Automotive Holdings Limited
Oversea market investment & development Dept manage under oversea auto maufacture plant:
1,Syria A&B auto manufacture plant; 2,Ghana M K C Auto manufacture plant; 3,Egypt E&B auto manufacture plant;
4,Bangladesh Brilliance auto manufacture plant;5,Indonesia PT.BONEO DAYA UTAMA; ; ;Http://
Tel: +86-23-67635049-604;607; Fax:67635036; Skype:W.L.Wang66 ;Mobile:+86-18084013166 ;; yahoo:; QQ:574324829