From: Credit Suisse Bank London <>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 03:54:03 +0530
Subject: Message from Dan Terry (ÑÓÇáÉ ãä ÏÇä ÊíÑí)
ÃäÇ Dr.Dan Terry ÑÆíÓ ÞÓã ÇáãÍÇÓÈÉ ÇáÊÏÞíÞ áÈäß ßÑíÏíÊ ÓæíÓ Èäß ßÇÈæÊ ÓÇÍÉ æÇÍÏÉ¡ áäÏä E14 4QJ¡ åäÇ Ýí ÅäÌáÊÑÇ. æÃäÇ ÃßÊÈ áßã Úä ÇÞÊÑÇÍ ÇáÃÚãÇá ÇáÊí ãä ÔÃäåÇ Ãä Êßæä ÐÇÊ ÇáãäÝÚÉ ÇáãÊÈÇÏáÉ åÇÆáÉ áßáÇ ãäÇ. Ýí ÅÏÇÑÊí¡ ÇßÊÔÝÊ ãÈáÛ 16¡5 £ ãáíæä (ÓÊÉ ÚÔÑ ãáíæä æÎãÓãÇÆÉ ÃáÝ Ìäíå ÅÓÊÑáíäí) Ýí ÍÓÇÈ íäÊãí Çáì æÇÍÏÉ ãä ÇáÚãáÇÁ ÇáÃÌÇäÈ ÇáãÊæÝì ÏíäÇ¡ ÇáãáíÇÑÏíÑ ÇáãÛæáíÉ Úãá Ýí ÓÇÚÉ ãÊÃÎÑÉ ÇáÓíÏ ãæíÓíÓ ÓÇÈÇ ÇáãÕÑí¡ æåæ íåæÏí ãä ÇáãßÓíß ÇáÐíä ßÇä ÖÍíÉ áÍÇÏË ÊÍØã ØÇÆÑÉ åáíßæÈÊÑ ãØáÚ ßÇäæä ÇáËÇäí 2010¡ ããÇ ÃÏì Åáì æÝÇÊå æÃÝÑÇÏ ÚÇÆáÊå. æßÇä ÓÇÈÇ 47 ÚÇãÇ ãä ÇáÚãÑ. ÃíÖÇ Ýí ÇáãÑæÍíÉ Ýí æÞÊ ÊÍØã ÇáØÇÆÑÉ ßÇäÊ ÒæÌÊå¡ ÇÈäåãÇ ÃÈÑÇåÇã (ÃáÈÑÊ) æÇÈäÊå Ýí ÇáÞÇäæä. ßÇä ÇáØíÇÑ ÇáÞÊáì ÃíÖÇ.
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Dr.Dan Terry
Hello good friend,
I am Dr. Dan Terry the Head of Accounting Audit Department of Credit Suisse Bank One Cabot Square, LONDON E14 4QJ, here in England. I am writing you about a business proposal that will be of an immense mutual benefit to both of us. In my department, I discovered a sum of £16.5 Million (Sixteen Million five hundred thousand Pounds Sterling) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign deceased customers, a billionaire Business Mogul Late Mr. Moises Saba Masri, a Jew from Mexico who was a victim of a helicopter crash early January 2010, resulting to his death and his family members. Saba was 47-years-old. Also in the chopper at the time of the crash was his wife, their son Avraham (Albert) and his daughter-in-law. The pilot was also dead.
The choice of contacting you is aroused from the geographical nature of where you live, particularly due to the sensitivity of the transaction and the confidentiality therein. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin/Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at 16.5 Million Pounds can be paid to you.
This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 60% to me and 40% to you. I have secured all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up this claim we are making. All i need is to fill in your names to the documents and legalize them in the court here to prove you as the legitimate beneficiary. All I require now is your honest Co-operation, Confidentiality and Trust to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.
Please, provide me with the following information, as we have 7 days to run it through. This is very URGENT PLEASE.
1. Full Name:
2. Your Direct Mobile Number:
3. Your Contact Address:
4. Your Occupation:
5. Your Nationality:
6. Your sex/Age:
Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping that you will find this proposal interesting. Please on your confirmation of this message and indicating your interest, i will furnish you with more information. Endeavor to let me know your decision rather than keep me waiting.
Thanking you in anticipation for a favorable reply.
Dr. Dan Terry